xxxtra spicy tuna RO profile picture

xxxtra spicy tuna RO

80& complete

About Me


Barely scratching the surface...

Girls juss wanna have FU-UNN!


sooo THIS is what Cheerios must feel like!

SUMMER is around the corner! time to hit the gym yo! SOS in full effect hollaaaaaaa
nicknames: Ro, Ro-squared, RoRo, Ro-hoe, Rolishus, Rowenga, Wenga-tenga, Cawengiee, Wangsta, Spicy Tuna Ro...
As tempting as it is, I'm secure enough within myself to keep it 100% au naturale. T&A and everything in between, from my hair down to my toes, what you see is what you get. no fake shit. NO BULLSHIT. my personality is as real as it gets and i have alot of ♥ to give. it's true. big things DO come in small packages. i'm only 5'1 but i have a really BIG ♥ =) i'm only as sweet as you are but mess w. me and you'll find a GOLF CLUB up ur ass courtesy of brother bear lol
i never leave w.o. my ipod cuz apparently many find it as an invitation to minglate. can't a girl just get her sweat on in peace?! aye but if u's a cutie, you are definitely more than welcome to "work in w. me" (is that the correct musclehead term?) someone once told me that i should want to work out in this sedentary era to stay healthy blah blah blah. but imma keep it real. it's basically aesthetically induced as i'm just trying to keep the rolls under control! some girls should be FIRED for that lol besides summer is like an aphrodesiac... the less clothing, the more skin, the better. it's an inverse relationship (if u know what that means ur COOL!). i try to eat healthy during the week, but come the weekend, its GAME OVER! this HEFFER can EAT! it's no wonder i dont have the abs i want. oh well! u win some. u lose some.
i'm the biggest BEACH BUM and the BESTest beach buddy ever. i own a beach umbrella for all u darkies who dont wanna bake as well as the cutest neon pink beach chairs for all you pale mofos who want to get a lil toasted =) i have stories for DAYS. when do i never? i'll give u the all exclusive of how last weekend took me 20+ years to figure this out, but i am what others refer to as a NERD! i’ll take that as a compliment THANKS! I have this thing for scents... on myself, on you, in my car, in my room, betta ask somebody. its probably psychological, but if u think about it, unpleasant smelling things jus AINT CRACKN.... im highly organized, maybe even anal, to a certain extent, but really its jus for YOUR OWN GOOD... i promise!
im very easy to get along with, and have been labeled by some as the “XXX factor for FUN” lol so if we have nothing to talk about, its YOU and NOT me! haha jk. ok. not really. I absolutely ♥ going to clubs w. the girls. it aint even bout the boyz (they’re jus one of the perks). its more bout spending quality time wid my girls. whether it’s getting CRUNKD at the bar or getting STUPID on the dancefloor. aint nothing better than looking at the evidence the next day, especially if you don’t remember a damn thang! hahah candids and videos are the best! so be prepared for some uncensored exposure!
i drink in moderation although others may beg to differ... get a lil courage juice in me and ITS OVER! time to entertain those in dire need of some CRAZINESS and laughter... buy me a chocolate cake shot and you've got my attention =) yeah i CAN hang w. the BOYS. question is... can u???
I like aesthetically pleasing things. if u look good, u feel good. when u feel good, u make lasting impressions. bottom line. typical LA chick? naahhhh I’m a lil bit more grounded than that. sometimes you get what u pay for. so don’t say I didn’t warn u when ur shoes start talking in the rain! LOL aint nothing wrong w. ♥ 'n the FINER things in life =) all the while still APPRECIATING the mere SIMPLICITY of watching the rain trickle down your window pane or cupcakin in front of a fireplace with that special someone.I have a weakness for a good pair of jeans, jackets and some sexy, open toes. ladies... it’s an INVESTMENT! so if u still have yet to own one.... please do so! u’ll thank me later =)
i'm very openminded and nonjudgemental. jawdropping is no longer in my vocabulary. i seem to attract the "unconventionals". i've heard it all. i've seen it all. i do have my limits, so i haven't done it all. but be rest assured you can talk to me about ANYTHING without worrying about me passing judgement. i'm in no position to. so spill the beans bitches! i know ya'll aint as innocent as you proclaim to be!
I ♥ my girls! not only are they HOT, but theyre SMART, SUCCESSFUL, down to earth but most importantly they KEEP IT REAL
Lazy Susan

GOTTA LOVE MY FAM BAM! | WE'S CRAZY LIKE THAT!last but not least...
I ♥ ♥ ♥ my FAM BAM! they're the EPITOMY of a loving and caring family =) i wouldn't trade them for the world!

My Interests

my newest ♥ interest

Izzy Girl

Our lil MONSTER |

the infamous SKWISHY FACE

hella OLD SKOOL (c/o 97)

the BEACH, according to my lil sis im a tanaholic, Casper's cute and all but definitely not for me =)

getting my buff on w. just my "happy fat" to burn and my "misery muscles"to build
eating healthy, pigging out, west coast SUSHI, east coast cupcakes, good water, seafood, banana cream pie, tempura mushrooms, pringles, dirty dogs, pastrami, chilli cheese fries, tuna melts, fast food, wine n dine
clubs/bars/lounges where the music is good, the people are HOT and the venue is nice, Hollywood, Hermosa, New York, Vegas
good smelling people, clean feet, nice grillz, non-BUSTED toes, neat fingernails, genuine smiles, genuine hearts, genuine people
laughter, sarcasm, randomness
♥ the starry-eyed Hollywood guy ♥ the eye-candy bartender ♥ the college crush ♥ the cocoa BUTTAbaby ♥ the sexy dentist ♥ the "sweet" star-crossed lover ♥ the "greatest mystery" of my life... my beautiful surpise ♥but most importantly... someone please MAKE ME LAUGH!!! make me laugh and im ALL YOURS! i promise.

Pet Peeves:

DUMBass broads who think fake ass tittays and import "modeling"/go-go "dancing" make them GRADE A meat.
you're pretty.
but really.
ur not THAT pretty. hhahha
til u got something else goin like SUBSTANCE, REALness and an EDUCATION... ur juss beef jerky biznatch!

Guys who can't tell the difference between beef jerky and a filet.

I'd like to meet:


someone who ♥ SUSHI! and cali rolls dont count!
none of this "so what are u doing?" crap!! if u aint got NOTHIN to say... please please please REFRAIN from hitting me up thanks =) !!! id rather be BORED at home by my DAMN self... eating my BANANA CREAM PIE =)
someone i can have LONG MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS with all the while busting random inside jokes... really please... talk my ear off... I INSIST ...
someone who can DANCE-DANCE-REVOLUTION. rhythm is very important on and OFF the dancefloor. but uhhh two-steppin dont count!
ON THE SERIOUS TIP...1) im juss looking for someone i have a GOOD RAPPORT with2) someone that i CONNECT with not only on a PHYSICAL LEVEL, but MENTAL and EMOTIONAL as well3) the ability to CONVERSE and make me LAUGH must be up to par fellas! im a sucker for GOOD CONVERSATION and LAUGHTER *hint hint*

i used to think that possessing those 3 qualities were suffice to assure my storybook ending, but to my dismay they were not. i've recently just realized how important TRUST really is because without it, HONESTY nor RESPECT is nonexistent.- someone who may not have all the time in the world, but will MAKE time for me. someone who won't give me ALL their time nor demand all of MINE.
- someone with HIGH ASPIRATIONS who will inspire me to become a better person and motivate me to reach my higher goals.
- someone who will appreciate the beauty in everyone yet still make me feel as if i'm the ONLY girl THAT MATTERS...
- someone not to complete me, but rather COMPLIMENT my shortcomings w. their strengths (as i too am not perfect).
- someone emotionally UNATTACHED (to the past) and readily available to accept me as i am with the hopes of moving towards a BRIGHT BEAUTIFUL FUTURE
- someone UNINVOLVED. cheating (physically, mentally or emotionally) was sooooo LAST SEASON... i mean... 10 years ago!
- someone who choose NOT to keep close ties w. the exes. an EX is an EX for a reason.- someone who won't give me any kind of drama especially not on MYSPACE.- someone who will give me more BRAIN WRINKLES.- someone who will surprise me w. a FROZEN HOT CHOCOLATE
basically someone just like ME! til then... i'm SINGLE and UP FOR GRABS! take a number fellas =)


get at me bytches...


NEYO is my B ♥ Y...omarion, lloyd, beyonce, usher, john legend, mariah carey, mase, mario


wanna take me to one?


Da Vinci Code


my TIGHT knit FAM BAM!

i ♥ my SISTERdoos!

God must have been in a DAMN good mood=)

my handsome (and available!) brothers

my Leading Ladies

Carleen Annie

Christine Val

Mae-Mae Onette

Jess Jaylyn

JR Mar

Marie Mayling

Jenny C Cris

My Blog

it is what it is

just the sound of your voice... and everything seems that much better... ...
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:13:00 PST

name that Ro

debuted names: ROlishus hi! herRo! RO-sham-bo slow your RO RO RO RO your boat do not pass RO if it ain't RO don't fix it -jv xxxtra spicy tuna RO suggested/pending names how RO can u go? -ry...
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:55:00 PST

fate... friend or foe?

When you love something, set it free.  Yet, how do you let go of something you barely even have a grasp on?  Many moons have come and gone, and you see it slip further and further ...
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 04:17:00 PST

to the left, to the left

PREFACE:  Some of you may wonder, why am I posting this?  Better yet, why just now?  Not that I have to justify anything to ANYBODY, but in all honesty it was just too pa...
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 05:33:00 PST

unexpected phone calls...

so my ex called me the other day after how many months and basically told me to consider a boob job (funny that he's never mentioned that when we were together).  but now that we're not, he pulls...
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 03:34:00 PST

a beautiful surprise

after years of silence, your timing is absolutely SUPERB!  thank you for dropping into my life once again.  now the question is, will you stay this time around? or is fate still not on our s...
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 03:22:00 PST

life can be sooo cruel...

people constantly search for things that may not even exist. for some, these searches come to a storybook ending, and for most, not so fairytale. i dont know which one is worse... never knowing.....
Posted by xxxtra spicy tuna RO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST