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I hate people that make me so mad I want to use the word hate.
I hate people who judge others without looking at themselves first.
I hate people that think that they are better than others without looking at themselves first.
I hate people who put others down to make themselves feel better.
I hate adults who treat children as the adult.
I hate people who question my job as a mom...I have been the best mom possible. *I don't drink. *I don't drink and drive. *I don't drink and drive with my kids in the car. *I don't let others drink and drive my kids. *I don't make excuses for others that do either!
You see so many bad people on the news today and the horrible things they do to children. *I don't beat my kids...yes, I do agree with spankings though. *I don't molest my kids or sell them out for porn or sex. *I don't make excuses for people who harm kids either!
The world is filled with so many drugs today and I know it is hard for our kids to resist the pressure. *I don't do drugs and never have. *I will not allow my kids to do drugs. *I don't condone anyone who does drugs. *I won't let my kids hang out with anyone who does drugs if I know about it. *I don't make excuses for people who do drugs.
Some people seem to think that because I have a potty mouth or use the word BITCH around my kids...that is reason to call me a bad mom.
*I have tried to raise my kids right and not only tell them right from wrong but live it too. I am in no way saying I am perfect...never have, never will! I have been here for my kids since day one.
*I have not paraded multiple love interests in front of my kids. I have been remarried to the same man for almost 8 years now.
*I do not live in an abusive relationship, although we do fight, cuss, and yell at times!
*I have never been to jail.
*I am not a weekend mom. I am here 24/7 except for my job.
My kids may not have everthing they want but they have everything they need. LOVE being the first and foremost of everything. I love ALL my kids with all my heart. Life may not have dealt me the hand I wanted to be able to raise them all like I wanted but I have always loved them and always will no matter what.
I also want to comment to someone who wanted to bring up my mom and dad and about how they would roll over in their graves if they knew what I was presenting in front of my kids on MySpace. First, don't be so cowardly to not let yourself be known. If you were someone who mattered to me I would know who you were because you would have come to my face to say it. Secondly, if you really knew my parents, you would know that I am my mother made over and she is probably in Heaven applauding me...not you! Find something better to do with your life. You obviously don't have one! Sometimes it is nice to know that I am so important that someone feels they need to try and make themselves look and feel better by putting me down. I hope it helped your life because it didn't hurt mine!
Also, I hate two-faced people. Don't pretend to be my friend then talk about me behind my back. Sooner than later I will figure you out and when I do...watch out!!!
**The Number One main thing to remember is: I have always told my kids if anyone tells you to keep a secret from your mom, then it is probably something you really need to tell. Don't ever go behind my back and use my kids like that!!!
No matter how much kids dislike their moms (it comes with the territory, especially with teenagers) mom is usually #1!!!I think that is all my venting for the day!
Thanks to all my true friends for your commments to my last venting...love you all!!
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