Family,Friends,Dance,Music,Shoes,Anything Peach,Laughing,the beach,Concerts,Movies,Sunflowers
Myspace Layouts For Girls Only -
Girly Myspace Comments
Music,Dance, Concerts. DISNEY uno, disney sorry.swimming.
I've already met Mark, but i want to see him again
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy,Harry Potter Movies,Ferngully,MallRats,CenterStage,FastTimes @ Ridgemont High,Diary of a Mad Black Woman,The Gladiator..Never Been Kissed..A Bronx Tale..Good Fellas...Troy..The Last Samurai..The Little Mermaid,The Notebook,EverAfter
Family Guy..Law & Order:SVU or Criminal Intent..and of course CSI:Las VEgas..and i cant forget about conan o'brien,snapped,intervention
I have the whole set of Nancy Drew Mysteries..Impressive right?
the terminator