Writing books, making movies and teaching at the UniDiversity.... Being a good mom, good wife, good sister, no strife. Lending a hand, taking a stand, bringing some light, doing it right..... You didn't know I was a POET!!! Oh snap!!! You didn't know!!
Ya gotta be clean. Seriously.. I'm cool with most people, but ya gotta be clean...
I'm not going to lie anymore. I don't listen to country music, and pop is driving me nuts right now... But then again, the question was about music..
Right now I'm interested in the movies I make, or movies that inspire me to make movies, or movies that serve my movie making purposes.. Or little commercials that serve as practice for making movies while I'm making movies......Underground Resistance
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Pros vs. Joes. There seems to be a limitless supply of idiots who really believe a body that's been conditioned for 20 years to be flawless, is somehow the same as their sorry sack of meat and water..
PHI- Divine proportion in Art, Nature and Science. Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Friedrich Nietzsche).. Storytime with the guys is Chasing Vermeer and the iPod audiobook is the childrens stories by Neil Gaiman.
Planet Earth, Caleb, Noah, Colin, Seth, Frank,... Maybe you. What of value have you done today?