Raising money for orphans in Zimbawe and Malawi that have lost their parents to AIDS.
We'd like to meet other passionate activists that want to see change happen in this world. Also party people who like to dance and have fun while helping people.
We are going to be having our third benefit concert on April 28th. There is going to be lots of Hip-hop, local MCs, Big World Breaks drum school, Thione Diop and yeke yeke.
The Corparation, Lord of War, Constant Gardener, Super size, V for Vendetta, and any other movies that question the status quo!!
Will and Pam who are the founders of Tiyamike Mulungu center, in Malawi, Africa. Their mission is to provide a family environment for children whose parents lives have been taken by AIDS. Tiyamike is a community of people living together with all the relational issues and family type blessings and problems. Please check out their website if you feel moved to. http://freewebs.com/tiymike-center/