Hey friends! A couple new updates for you. First and foremost we just posted a new song that will be on our Full Length, it's called "Lets GO! Lets GO!" so everybody Lets GO listen to it!! Post it on your profiles and dance your pants off. Also You may notice our new blog regarding drummers, so do us a favor and keep your eyes and ears out for drummers that may be interested. Also on our top friends you may notice AT LAST GLANCE ON THE STREETS, this is a newly formed street team run by the fans for the fans, so go and join that and help spread the word about us. We got lots of cool stuff coming so keep on the lookout! Oh and don't forget every saturday there will be a new "ALG TV" episode, so don't forget to come check those out!
Love always
Dan , Deslin, Mitch, Josh 10/18/08 Hey guys whats up! As you may have noticed we have tons of updates for you, so check out our new weekly video, pictures, song, and most obviously our new LAYOUT. Also we got a new banner so please be sure to pimp one on your profiles!
It's been a while and we've really missed all of you, so leave us tons of comments! We'd love to talk to every one of you. :]
It's also been good seeing you all at shows and we really appreciate the support! We hope to see more of your beautiful smiling faces soon!
Myspace is currently unable to post new songs, as soon as this is fixed a new song will be up! sorry :(
As you can see we currentley do not have a drummer, we have just started our drummer search about a week ago. You may be wondering "what about Eric?" To put it short and sweet Eric and the rest of us ... Posted by AT LAST GLANCE on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 07:07:00 PST