Jane profile picture


buy more leather..it makes you look cool & its better for you than smoking...

About Me

(Cavalieri): You look stupid and rich. (Barrett): Well, what if I'm smart and poor? (Cavalieri): I'm smart and poor. (Barrett): Well what makes you so smart? (Cavalieri): I wouldn't go out for coffee with you that's what. (Barrett ): Well what if I wasn't even gonna ask you to go out for coffee with me? (Cavalieri): Well that's what makes you stupid.
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My Interests

graphic Design - strong coffee - good music - shitty tv - even shittier movies - great food and lots of wine.

I'd like to meet:

Pierre Trudeau, Jaques Pepin & Dr. Johnny Fever.


++Money Can't buy Music, Acid House Kings, american analog set, Andrew Bird, Andy Stochansky, Ane Brun, Apples in Stereo, Arcade Fire, Archers of Loaf, Art Brut, Avocadoclub, Badly Drawn Boy, Ballboy, Beat Happenings, Beck, Belle & Sebastion, Ben Gibbard, Ben Kweller, Ben Lee, Beulah, biff bang powell, Bishop Allen, bitter bitter weeks, bjork, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Boy Omega, built like alaska, cake, cat power, chin up chin up, the Clientele, clinic, columbus, the concretes, the cranes, the cribs, crooked fingers, the damnwells, david and the citizens, deathcab for cutie, dntel, ed harcourt, elf power, enon, eric bachmann, the figurines, firefox ak, the flu, the foxymorons, the french, grandaddy, hefner, hello saferide, hood, i am kloot, Iron & Wine, Jack Drag, jet, jj72, joe purdy, john vanderslice, josh rouse, the Kaiser Chiefs, the killers, kleenex girl wonder, ladytron, the lanchaster orchestra, longwave, the lovekevins, the loveninjas, the lucksmiths, luther russell, mellowdrone, magnet, the magnetic fields, marmoset, mason jennings, math and physics club, maximo park, my darling you!, the national, neutral milk hotel, new order,the new york dolls, the no no's, the notwist, page france, pavement, pelle carlberg, the pernice brothers, piano magic, pipas, pony up!, the postal service, pot valiant, proton proton, pulp, radio 4, the radio department, red house painters, rhett miller, RICK MAY, robbers on high street, sambassadeur, simian, sneaker pimps, snow patrol, soundtrack of our lives, spoon, starflyer 59, the starlight mints, stars, the state of samuel, stellastarr, stevie wonder, suburban kids with biblical names, summer at shatter creek, sunset valley, the sunshine, tobias froberg, tom waits, the walkmen, the wannadies, the warmth, wheat, white light motorcade, wire & much much more......


all of it..especially anything that has to do with food.


Pierre Trudeau, Jaques Pepin & Dr. Johnny Fever.