m a r y profile picture

m a r y

... freedom is what you do after what's been done to you...

About Me

MY TRADE & WANTS: One door may have closed but others have opened/are opening as I choose whats right and best for me... Nonetheless, am studying Interior Design. Eventually when all is said and done... I will be designing Nightclubs, Lounges, Hotels and Restaurants. And along the way, shall my "life partner" reveal himself unto me.MY VIEW: To transform lucid dreaming into reality & experience beauty even through the most horrid of things. Alas... within this constellation, I will keep my flame blazing bright through the midst of night.

My Interests

SELF-INTERESTS: "CREATIVE CONSTRUCTION," Internal stability, self-actualization, intellectualism, shamanic ecstasy, exotic fetishism, archery, spirituality, sensuality, ancient civilizations, Greenpeace, traveling,"Morgans Hotel Group", languages, nonverbal communication, collective unconsciousness, monogamy, self-fulfilling prophecies, conspiracy theories, string theory, the cultured folk, tennis, supernatural, samurai warriors, witty humor, family, counting all my blessings, and carrot juice (lol)
WHO AM I?: Read below...

I'd like to meet:

In this evolutionary process, we are both students and teachers to each other. I choose to surround myself with passionate yet compassionate worldly fellow man/woman who'll dare me (directly/indirectly) to see light in the different... embracing it as an aspect of myself... towards wholeness & unity. And ONE who can unlock the hidden dimensions within my soul as I to him/her.

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DISCLOSURE:for entertainment purposes only & should not be taken so seriously

the world's mine oyster... I was born to contradict myself becoming this multidimensional 'open-minded' extremist .:a cerebral adventurist:..., a true paradoxical chameleon in self-expression. Though I may seem removed/detached @ times, am wholeheartedly connected to some kind of intangilble force. Am ruled by planet Mercury (Key to Alchemy); ready to adapt any environment. My birthname equates to the number "11" focusing on idealism and spiritualism. The number "5" is based on my birthdate which best describes my mission for the theme of my life is about finding balance. According to Western astrology, am a VIRGO as my element is EARTH. Through Eastern superstition, I am branded as the FIRE SNAKE. " Am extremely reserved yet explosively responsive to stimuli." So... in essence, I'm naturally a conservative straight laced "square" (think Clark Kent), but with a trigger of random elation, I very well could possibly transform within seconds into some type of vivacious tigress on the prowl to pounce, seduce and devour... or better yet... become like "Superman" ready to save the day from all evil. But overall... am just the intuitive girl next door who'll try anything at least once (or twice). Hi there.
I believe a person’s word is extremely powerful, but when thoughts are written… those thoughts are permanently set in stone as absolute truth. Writing helps me makes sense of my 'special ed' cognition. Just like Asian Calligraphy is an art form so is poetry and lyricism. I tend to write about my emotions through prose writing be it intense or subtle using imagery, metaphors, archetypical symbols, etc., etc. I love to play w/ rhythmic rhymes as though I am a sorceress conjuring up spirits of another world to do as I please. Reading poems is just like reading the I Ching book while interpreting a Salvador Dali painting. Consciously you’ll read it, but the internal process of reading into it is subject to multiple interpretations. One’s own reality is based on one’s own perception.

My poems are kept in confidence only for the person that it is meant for...

Joining my church’s junior choir at an early age was my introduction to singing. However, at 18, it was when a pal of mine challenged me to a friendly Karaoke duel did I truly recognize that I had a voice: a courageous voice that wanted and yearned to be heard. Commanding an audience through singing is the most addictive drug that I will never get enough of. I haven’t done much creative music work lately… But in all honesty, I do have to say… "singing is definitely one of the loves of my life."

[Listen to My Demo Songs]

The past couple of years I’ve made a conscious effort to deprogram myself from the illusory rat race. I’ve given up climbing Corporate America while banging my head on that glass ceiling. It was only recently that I've come to understand the secret. “Follow your own bliss” and you’ll be fine. Let your words and actions be congruent with your soul. I really had to examine myself fully figuring out what truly makes me happy. And going into Interior Design is one of the pursuits of mine. An interior designer is an artist not only of spatial planning & aesthetics but of psychology. Instead of cognitive dissection, am creating an external environment that can/will influence and enrich a person’s overall state of mind.
My favorite design website: thecoolhunter.net . Also, am enchanted by the works of Philippe Starck .

::UPCOMING COLLECTION: "TWO SERIES" by Ben (passiontolive)::


Music originating from the heart...




Discovery, Travel and Bravo Channel


My top 3: Witch of Portabello, Memories-Dreams-Reflections, Art of Seduction


"The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results."
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

My Blog


::::::>> 09.26.07APPEASE ME...Last night someone important in my life mentioned that he'd protect my self-interest and grant my wishes should things go beyond my control. Am just extremely surprised t...
Posted by m a r y on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:42:00 PST


::::::>> 09.14.07INTROSPECTION SESSION big 3-0// In the next couple of days, I'll be turning thirty. Isn't that amazing? I've already equipped myself with better facial products and have added anti-w...
Posted by m a r y on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:50:00 PST

08/31/07 to 09/04/07

::::::>> 09.04.07FREE FALL...Seems like the theme of my life this past year (thus far) has been about death and rebirth (figuratively speaking) like the Ouroboros where the serpent swallows itself wh...
Posted by m a r y on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:52:00 PST

8.19.07 through 8.30.07

::::::>> 08.30.07 Night Life Reality Show?Ok... lately i've been blogging... merely because i'm getting into the mode of writing.  And I think that it's almost becoming habitual for me (consi...
Posted by m a r y on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 01:22:00 PST

in all honesty, anger compels me even further towards greatness...

Posted by m a r y on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:21:00 PST

PHOTOS // Girlz night out // 2007.08.01

So all the original gangsta girls of Fly decided to hang out the one night all of us are off (Wednesday).  We went to Lotus, Lima and somehow... migrated back to our motherland... Fly.  We d...
Posted by m a r y on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:29:00 PST

deep solitude

.. I'm at the point in my life where I'm in deep solitude and introspection as the doors are shut for healing. Though I may be exposed in a dark world where I'm constantly surrounded by hundreds of dr...
Posted by m a r y on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:40:00 PST


So i've become the bartender of the month for "AllOutParty.com" http://www.alloutparty.com/featured.cfm?bartenderdate=May200 7...
Posted by m a r y on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:41:00 PST

may 4/07

For so long I've wandered aimlessly @ sea riding bitch on passenger seat& Those days have passed & so I've learned how to be in-control of the wheel. Finally... I've granted myself to become capta...
Posted by m a r y on Sat, 05 May 2007 03:31:00 PST


It's Tuesday morning... Life is strange... But I can't complain... I truly am where I need to be...  Life is great and I'm thankful for all the blessings (in disguise). I look forward to my futur...
Posted by m a r y on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:20:00 PST