...If it's Rock n' Roll, I'll like it Music - live and packaged , Film - in the dark, Media - understanding and mixing, travelling - far, far, monkeys
:: The supreme ruler of time and space so I can ask for 4 extra hours each day.
:: My puppy and my capuchin
:: Concert agencies who have the balls to send bands on real tours in Europe. NO MORE PROMO PSEUDO TOURS! I am willing to support you with my work.
Flava of da week:
My computer purring, while I try and understand Action Script
oooooohhhhh. Too many!
I had a look at Layer Cake because a good friend said Daniel Craig was "DA SHIT". And I must say: He's more Bond than in Bond and the plot is WAY sneekier than in The Prestige. GO RENT IT!
don't have TV. TV = brain bug. BEWARE!
:: Columns (Max Goldt, Klaus Nuechtern, Harald Schmidt)
:: Comix (Edition Moderne, Chris Ware...)
:: TestCard - The Magazine
:: basically anything in between Kenneth Anger and Frank Zappa