good times, good people, culture, microbrews, imports, martial arts, Anything metaphysical, higher consciousness, antimatter, growth, progression, music, forms of communication beyond ambiguous verbal ramblings, sacred geometry, mad flow, ill beats, string theory, Egypt, labyrinths, Mayan calendars, holographic universe, shaping reality, creativity, expression, evolution, bringin' down the man, destruction, guitars, recording, synchronicity, fractals, krylon bombers, symbolism, the mind, philosophy, the bible, corruption and mistranslation of the Bible, mystical experience, entheogenic sacraments, granular synthesis, binaural audio, silence, quantum physics, space, mexican food
MC's, Dj's, B Boys&Girls, Krylon Bombers, thinkers, herd deserters, people with that fire in their blood. People who do things like climb up on the roof to stargaze, lay on the beach and close their eyes and submerge themselves in the sounds, and anything else that would attract odd stares and questions like, "Are you on drugs?". Anybody with something to say. A good set of people who are real and passionate about something. Fellow artists. Peeps who know how to have fun! Fellow audio engineers.
As long as it's got elbow grease, good subject matter and originality I dig it. I like to groove and zone.
Fight Club, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I heart huckabee's, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Irreversible, Pi, the Motorcycle Diaries, Alice in Wonderland, Spider Man, The Fountain, The Prestige, 1408, Donnie Darko, Mulholland Drive and anything done by David Lynch, A Scanner Darkly, Matrix trilogy, Ong Bak, Garden State
I'm more into sounds and books.
Ambient, You Are Being Lied To, Confessions of a Memory Eater, Sacred Geometry: Art and Imagination, The Elegant Universe, Rule by Secrecy, House of Leaves, Acid House, The Mission of Art, Why can't we be good?, This is your brain on music, the Holographic Universe, Only Revolutions, Don Quixote
Those who are social outcasts simply because the thoughts that fill their minds are ahead of the times. Anyone willing to make a stand for what they believe despite the opinions of their peers.