( not all, sum are really bad 4 u....take heed )not all at the same time though...i didnt mean that thing about god, if he exists, its just that this world is full of wankers and the like who are hell bent on stopping normal, everyday joe's like you and myself having're a cunt.(u pronounce cbass as in the fish...........)laaa laaala laa la ... dumb dee dee la al ....
god......and punch the bastard in the face. Please also can u view the slide show, rather view the old pics, n chill out with the tunes......cheers x..!
my first love was obviously the manics.....long live richie edwards... nowa days i love most music. In my collection u'll find Buck 65, DJ Shadow, The Lemonheads, Simple Kid, Aphex Twin, Ben Kweller, i'm also a big fan of trance giants Platipus, they rock........there are many bands whom have infkuenced my life, too many to is my religon...amen.... ( i categorically hate christian might be good, but why label urselfs ? )....ohhh...and death metalers.... u stink....wear some pastel colours or something.....
ferris buellers, pi, swingers, goodfellas, and many, many more.some porn, although that one with the midget and the shetland pony was a bit off putting let alone downright dangerous....pooor little people.
not if i'm busy in the pub. football....go on LIverpool.( and cardiff city )i do watch a lot of tv, but am usually 2 stoned 2 remember what.
american psycho douglas coupland james frey - million little pieces dave courtney howrd marxrazzle just 18 big milky mamma's
Bill Hicks....knew 2 much...i reckon they god killed him cause he knew to much.......futuristbret easton ellis....mentalisttichtimon....extremistkarl marx....marxistmark n lard.....piss artists..s.s.s..