Art & design, making things with my hands, photography, music & movies, simplified lifestyles/living green, cooking, beer, hiking, travelling,
I'd love to buy Will Sheff a few beers and listen to his stories. I'd love to hear that voice so very close to my ears.
Okkervil River, Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire, Ratatat, LCD Soundsystem, Beastie Boys, Face to Face, MIA, The Get Up Kids, ATDI, Fugazi, Sparta, Bloc Party, Decemberists, Basement Jaxx, Aqueduct, M83, The Faint, Modest Mouse, Broken Social Scene, DFA 1979, the Long Winters, Matisyahu, Underworld, Postal Service, Radiohead, DJ Shadow, Stars, Tapes n' Tapes, Tokyo Police Club, Fischerspooner, The Shins, The Thermals, Wolf Parade, the Wrens, Beirut, Citizen Cope, The Saturday Knights, Minus the Bear, DNTEL, Ghostland Observatory, The Knife, the Chemical Brothers
Jean Pierre-Jeunet, Coen Brothers, Miyazaki, Michel Gondry, Darren Aranofsky, Stephen Chow, Luc Besson, Monty Python, Mel Brooks, Tarantino, documentaries, Jet Li, Will Ferrell, Edward Norton, X-Men, Super Troopers.
Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, House, Psych, Heroes, No Reservations, Top Chef, ATHF, Robot Chicken.
Wilde, Hesse, Poe, Bourdain, Grapes of Wrath, Count of Monte Cristo, Hitchhiker's Guide