Bobby profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am updating this cause people are complaing, my name is Bobby and I got married to the most beautiful girl in the world a month ago and couldn't be happier. We are expecting a little boy come christmas, Michael Criss. I am originally from southern cali. I have been out of the military(marine corp)for almost 2 years now, it was the worst 4 years of my life, dont ever do it, you meet alot of cool people but the life style is horrible. It's not worth it. I dont know what else to say, I go to the bars alot, usually to play darts and when I have money I party. If you want to know anything else let me know I will tell
Your Birthdate: June 12
You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame.
You tend to charm strangers easily. And you usually can get what you want from them.
Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing.
You are affectionate and loving, but it's hard for you to commit to any one relationship.
Your strength: Your charm
Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics
Your power color: Indigo
Your power symbol: Four leaf clover
Your power month: December What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
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My Interests

MySpace Graphics

best day of my life

I'd like to meet:

You are Marijuana (aka: weed, dope, skunk,
chronic...). You are the most commonly used
drug in the world. You are powerful, stubborn,
moody, have a strong attitude. You are
classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.

What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality?
brought to you by Quizilla Robert will go to jail for ...

Resisting arrest while having sex

'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at


mostly punk and classic rock, Bad religion, the vandals, guttermouth, shit like that.make

MySpace Editor by


Too many to list


Family Guy, Futurama, CSI: Vegas, South Park, The Soparnos, Smallvile, Nip/Tuck, and many others


my mom

My Blog

song to my love

DROPKICK MURPHYS "Upstarts And Broken Hearts"I once met a young girl filled with fire,That saw through my front to this shell of a manShe knew I'd be a handful from the start,This strong willed woman ...
Posted by Bobby on Mon, 08 May 2006 07:14:00 PST