I love gooning around with team elite. Glowsticks The word cunt. love it. I like making my own words up and unleashing them upon an unsuspecting Jules. She loves it. Being a witty ledge. Being a travelling mong sans hot water/sufficient deodorant/miscellaneous cleansing items. Dancing, even though I possess NOTHING remotely like rhythm. And in fact, I only manage to orchestrate my rhythm-dodging movements after a drink or two... Hunter-gatherers.I DO NOT LIKE: Tourists who walk slowly. Scenesters. People who cannot clap in time to save their lives. LEAVE YOUR HANDS AT HOME. MyGen Profile Generator
John Anderson
All music is shit except that of one band...the feeling.I love the feeling. I think that they are great - an excellent band. They are making pop music good again. All that i listen is the feeling. They are appropriately named in that their music encourages emotive sentiments within oneself. If i were to write a song, it would probably repeat the lines, 'i love it when you call, i love it when you call, i love it when you call, but you never call at all' (note effective use of both repetition and irony). I think 'i love it when you call, but you never call at all' is a good rhyming couplet.
Napoleon Dynamite, Hook, Bright Young Things, Brokeback Mountain, Memento, La Haine, I Capture The Castle, Human Traffic, Zoolander, Rat Race.