.rosie. profile picture



About Me

I have odd complexes. I have an unnerving hatred of the sound that Harpsichords make. No idea why. Don't even ask. Grand Designs also makes me feel sliiightly unhinged.

My Interests

I love gooning around with team elite. Glowsticks The word cunt. love it. I like making my own words up and unleashing them upon an unsuspecting Jules. She loves it. Being a witty ledge. Being a travelling mong sans hot water/sufficient deodorant/miscellaneous cleansing items. Dancing, even though I possess NOTHING remotely like rhythm. And in fact, I only manage to orchestrate my rhythm-dodging movements after a drink or two... Hunter-gatherers.I DO NOT LIKE: Tourists who walk slowly. Scenesters. People who cannot clap in time to save their lives. LEAVE YOUR HANDS AT HOME. MyGen Profile Generator

I'd like to meet:

John Anderson


All music is shit except that of one band...the feeling.I love the feeling. I think that they are great - an excellent band. They are making pop music good again. All that i listen is the feeling. They are appropriately named in that their music encourages emotive sentiments within oneself. If i were to write a song, it would probably repeat the lines, 'i love it when you call, i love it when you call, i love it when you call, but you never call at all' (note effective use of both repetition and irony). I think 'i love it when you call, but you never call at all' is a good rhyming couplet.


Napoleon Dynamite, Hook, Bright Young Things, Brokeback Mountain, Memento, La Haine, I Capture The Castle, Human Traffic, Zoolander, Rat Race.

