7 Dirty Words profile picture

7 Dirty Words

Victims.... aren't we all?

About Me

Hi. I'm Dean.Things I dig:•The Crow. A lot. Probably an unhealthy amount. But oh well.•Music. Seems cliche, but I loves it.•Goth. I'm not a big goth myself, but it's so pretty.•Guitar Hero. I'm not that good yet though.•Piercings. Yeah.•Tattoos. Woo!•...and a lot of other things that just aren't crossing my mind right now.[Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well and yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? An afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more. Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless.Brandon Lee]Contact Tables..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Random Thoughts For A Troubled Youth
name a song from your childhood: In The House Of Stone And Light by Martin Page
what outfit would you wear for the rest of your life?: Jeans and a Band Shirt
redheads, brunettes, or blondes?: Redheads like you wouldn't believe
best advice ever given: Duck!
last movie that made you cry: The Crow
last song that made you cry: None
last person to make you cry: I dunno
what brightens up your day?: I dunno..... little things
biggest pet peeve?: When people repeat themselves
totally in love with someone?: Nope
do they know?: No
if no, would you ever tell them?: When the time comes
worst trend?: Just about any
what city do you hate the most?: Oelwein, Iowa
favorite solo artist?: Right now, it's Chris McGraw
favorite band?: Lyzanxia
band/artist that you love but wouldn't tell anyone: Kinda defeats the purpose of asking, doesn't it?
what was your last dream about?: Peeing
how many pairs of shoes do you own?: Two
which is your favorite?: My paint covered ones that have a hole in the bottom
would you date someone on personality alone?: No
would you date someone on looks alone?: No
biggest obsession?: I dunno...... music
do you do any activities that none of your friends do?: Stay sober
if yes, what is it?: Staying sober
city life or country life?: Both are nice
ford or chevy?: It truly doesn't matter. A ride's a ride
would you ever kill someone?: Maybe
ever met someone over the internet?: Yeah
when was the last time you rode a bike?: Two summers ago
what is your dream car?: A hearse
dream house?: Dunno
are you keeping a secret right now?: No, I'm posting all of my secrets on myspace as we speak
favorite place to travel to: Milwaukee and New York
do you like Bob Dylan?: Yeah
favorite material posession: Computer
favorite non-material posession: Love
would you date a good friend?: Eh........ I dunno
would you date a total stranger?: It's possible
simpsons or futurama?: Simpsons
what news channel do you watch?: ABC
favorite drink: Coke
organized or a mess?: Little of both
something weird about your hometown: There's no Fourth street
something nobody knows about you: I'm pregnant
religion?: Christian
turn ons?: Red hair, pale, little chunk, glasses, vampire/gothic...... I think I'm getting wood. Dammit
turn offs?: Penises
driver or passengers seat?: Passenger
what song do you want playing at your funeral?: I have a cd already made..... and I'm thinking of burning Volume two pretty soon
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEFEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. (This actually suits me pretty well.)..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Inside Your Mind. 184 unique Q's.
Inside Your Mind.
What do you like about yourself?: My hair. And my piercings
What do you dislike about yourself?: I dunno.... I can be a fuck-up sometimes
Do you have any special talents?: I can fit nine quarters in my nose
What are some of your hobbies?: I dunno
Do you accept your anger?: Not really, no
Do you accept your sadness?: Yup
Do you accept your worry?: Usually
Do you accept your confusion?: Yeah
Do you accept your anxiety?: Sure
Do you accept your fear?: Sometimes
What is difficult for you?: Having babies
About You.
Favorite color?: Black
Favorite song?: There's too many
Favorite band?: Lyzanxia
Favorite movie?: The Crow
Favorite teacher (past or present)?: Mr. Chad
Favorite book?: The Outsiders or Hatchet
Favorite thing to do?: Get everyone together and hang at Lisa's
Second favorite thing to do?: Kill time
Favorite website?: myspace or wikipedia
Do you like your looks?: For the most part
Do you like your body?: Meh
Describe yourself.
Length of hair?: Bangs are down to my chin, the back part is past my neck, but not to my shoulders
Color of hair?: Red, faded black, blonde underneath
Color of eyes?: Blue-ish grey
Height?: 5'9"
Are you athletic?: Nope
Are you healthy?: Nope
What emotion do you hide?: Lots
Do you think you’re smart?: Not really
Are you religious?: In my own way
What is your religion?: Christian
Do you believe in “God”?: Yes
What do you want to “be” when you “grow up”?: I dunno yet. What's with the quotation marks?
Do you get along well with people?: I pretend to, but I really dislike most people
Are you fun?: I define fun
What makes a “good person” just that?: Not being a fucking prick
How would others describe you?: I dunno, I don't really care
How would you describe a “true friend”?: I dunno.......
Who is your best friend?: Fro, Lisa, Joe, Glor, all them good people
How did you meet?: All of them except Glor: school. Glor: She popped out of my mom
Ever meet anyone who was just like you?: Not just like, but Glor and Lisa are pretty close
How do your friends help you to be more yourself?: They don't try to change me
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: Nope
If so, describe him or her.: Don't have one
What qualities do you look for in a significant other?: Sarcasm, music-lover, different than most others
Ever crush on someone who only liked you as a friend?: Yup
Ever have someone crush on you and you only liked them as a friend?: Yeah
In a relationship…
What makes you jealous?: When they talk about how much they fucked their ex..... *gets angry*
What makes you angry?: That, too. And when they bitch constantly about nothing
What makes you happy?: When all is good
What hurts your feelings?: When they critisize you when you're trying to help
What makes you love them more?: When all turns from good to better
What have you learned about love?: Pace yourself
Describe your first relationship.: Stole her from Fro, she carved my name into her arm, so I told her I was gay. Yeah..... it's funny now.
What benefits come from being single?: You can do whatever you please without having to tell anyone else, shit like that
What benefits come from being with someone?: Someone to be with
What siblings do you have?: Glor and Neil
Are you a first, last, middle or only child?: Middle
If you could change this, how would it be different?: I wouldn't
Do you get along with your siblings?: Yeah
What do you like best about your brother(s)?: It's fuckin Neil! Anyone who knows him knows he kicks ass
What do you like best about your sister(s)?: It's fuckin Glor! Anyone who knows her knows she kicks ass
What do you like best about being an only child?: I'm not....
Have you ever been embarrassed by family?: Yes. Wow
Do/did your parent(s) try to make you think like them?: Not really, no. They're good like that
Tough shit.
What difficult experiences have you been through?: Heartbreak.....
Has anyone close to you died?: No
How did you find out?: Didn't
Did you get to say good-bye?: It didn't happen
Have you known anyone your age die?: No
Have you ever been really sick?: I guess?
Has anyone close to you ever been really sick?: Yeah
Do you have a drug problem?: No
Do you have a drinking problem?: No. I don't touch the stuff
Are your parents divorced?: Nope
Are/were your parents fighting constantly?: No
Do you let yourself feel emotional pain or make it go away?: Both
Do you believe pain makes us grow?: I guess
How do you feel when you see a homeless person?: I dunno, I don't see many
Have you ever witnessed extreme suffering?: Witness? I've been through it. I sat through an entire System of a Down concert...
Do you ever wonder why there is so much suffering?: Cause the world sucks ass
What kinds of things cause you pain?: Sharp things
What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?: Ha. Ask me if you really want to know
Have you ever thought about suicide?: Once or twice
What advice would you give to someone who is suicidal?: Don't do it. I dunno
Learning lessons.
Do you think people learn from their mistakes?: Obviously not
Do you think people can learn the “easy way”?: Depends on what it is
Have you ever learned the “easy way”?: I guess
Have you ever learned the “hard way”?: Yeah
What is the most difficult lesson you’ve learned?: Your friends are usually right
Do you believe things happen for a reason?: Sorta
Have you learned that nobody is perfect?: Really?!?!? And here I thought I was.... damn
What imperfections about yourself do you accept?: Well....... I don't have laser vision...
Do you try to look at both sides of a situation?: I try to
Follow your dreams.
“Follow your bliss.”: Don't tell me what to do
What does this quote mean to you?: Oh. I dunno
What is your bliss?: I dunno
Do you have a dream?: Not really
What is your number-one goal?: I don't have one
“Do what you love and the money will follow." True?: No. If you love drinking paint, you'll die before you're paid
If your dream was guaranteed to happen, what would it be?: I don't fucking know! Shut up!
Would you answer differently if the guarantee wasn’t there?: Grrrr....
Do you believe in yourself?: Sometimes
Growing up.
How old are you?: 17. Almost 18
How old do you feel?: 17-ish
What do you think is the perfect age?: Four
How old do you think people should be before they…
Get a job:: 15
Cook for themselves:: Whenever
Set their own bedtimes:: 13
Go away with their friends:: 15
Do their own laundry:: Whenever...... I still don't
Have a boyfriend or girlfriend:: 14-ish
Date:: 14
Kiss:: 14
Stay out past midnight:: 14
Stay out as late as they want:: 16
Have their own phone:: Phones are evil
Drive:: 14
Travel alone:: 16
Drink:: Never
Go to clubs:: 17
Get married:: 23-24
Have children:: 24-25
Vote:: 18
Go out by themselves:: 15
At what age do you think a person is mature?: It varies
Do you think maturity is a good thing?: Sometimes
Do you think all adults are mature?: Fuck no
Do you think a difficult life makes a person grow up faster?: Not really, no
What IS “grown up”?: I don't know
Are/were you scared or excited about growing up?: No
Do you think of yourself as grown up?: Sorta
Do you want to be considered grown up?: No
What do you think is the secret to happiness?: Not getting hit by a train. .....unless you're into that kind of thing
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: Aquafresh
Do you always brush your teeth before visiting a dentist?: Yes
How many cavities do/did you have?: Four
Ever wear braces or a retainer?: Nope
How often do you shower?: Every day
Do you prefer any shampoo brand?: Garnier
What is the weirdest band name you know of?: I dunno
What are your favorite dog breeds?: Hot
Who was your childhood best friend?: Shea or Fro
Are you still friends with them today?: Shea, no. Fro, yes
How many computers are in your home?: One
Do you write with your left or right hand?: Right
Do you take any vitamins?: Yeah
How many doors are in your home?: 14
How many windows are there?: A lot. I don't know
Do you have a collection of change somewhere?: Yeah
Would you go to jail for a good cause?: Maybe
Do you own a bookshelf?: Yeah
Are there any objects hanging from your room ceiling?: Yup
Are you okay with getting your blood drawn?: It's never happened. They wouldn't let me cause I was recently pierced
How about getting shots?: Eh
Do you like getting your picture taken?: Meh
Abortion?: Neutral
Birth control pill?: It's good
Casual sex?: No
Illegal immigration?: Bad
Death sentence?: Neutral
Afterlife?: It's there
Ghosts?: Yup
Legalizing marijuana?: Why the hell not?
Gun control?: Meh. I'm not a gun person, but I'm not gonna tell someone with lots of guns not to have them
Pornography?: Woo!
UFO conspiracy?: Oh settle down
Natural VS. Artificial medicine?: Whatever works
War in Middle East?: Bad
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
You are 53% Aries
How Aries Are You?
You are 47% Taurus
How Taurus Are You?
You are 20% Gemini
How Gemini Are You?
You are 27% Cancer
How Cancer Are You?
You are 40% Leo
How Leo Are You?
You are 40% Virgo
How Virgo Are You?
You are 40% Libra
How Libra Are You?
You are 40% Scorpio
How Scorpio Are You?
You are 67% Sagittarius
How Sagittarius Are You?
You are 27% Capricorn
How Capricorn Are You?
You are 60% Aquarius
How Aquarius Are You?
You are 60% Pisces
How Pisces Are You?We walk the narrow path Beneath the smoking skies Sometimes you can barely tell the difference Between the darkness and light Do we have faith in what we believe? The truest test is when we can not We can not see I hear pounding feet In the streets bellow And the women cried And the children moaned There's something wrong It's hard to believe that love will prevail Oh- It won't rain all the time The sky won't fall forever And though the night seems long Your tears won't fall forever Oh- When I'm lonely I lay awake at night And I wish you were here I miss you Can you tell me- Is there something more to believe in Or is this all there is? And the pounding feet In the streets bellow And a window breaks And a women falls There's something wrong It's hard to believe that love will prevail It won't rain all the time The sky won't fall forever And though the night seems long Your tears won't fall Your tears won't fall Your tears won't fall forever Last night I had a dream You can into my room You took me Into your arms Whispering and kissing me And telling me to still believe The very emptiness Of the burning seas Against which we see our darkest decides Until I felt Safe And warm I fell asleep in your arms When I the world I cried again For you were gone Can you hear me? It won't rain all the time The sky won't fall forever And though the night seems long Your tears won't fall forever It won't rain all the time The sky won't fall forever And though the night seems long Your tears won't fall Your tears won't fall Your tears won't fall Forever -Jane Siberry: It Can't Rain All The Time

My Interests

Music, religion, death, human anatomy, and penguins...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
About Yourself Random
For starters
Smoke?:: For the most part
Do drugs?:: No
Have a partner?:: Nope
Have sex?:: Not anymore
Sleep with stuffed animals?:: Nah
Live in the moment?:: Yeah, I'm one of those "extreme" guys who "lives life to the fullest, cause I might not be here tomorrow" ...That's sarcasm, by the way.
Think you'll get married?:: I dunno
Have a dream that keeps coming back?:: Nope
Play an instrument?:: Alto Sax
Believe there is life on other planets?:: Yeah
Remember your first love?:: Who could forget....
Still love him/her?:: I should say not
Read the newpaper?:: The Funnies. Woo
Have gay/lesbian friends?:: They're more like acquaintances
Believe in miracles?:: Yeah
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?:: No
Consider yourself tolerant of others?:: Yes
Like the taste of alcohol?:: Ick. No
Fave candy?:: The Cadbury Egg
Believe in astrology?:: Somewhat
Believe in magic?:: No
Believe in God?:: Yes
Pray?:: No
Go to church?: Yeah
Moving on:
Have any secrets?:: Maybe one or two. Maybe.
Any pets?:: KITTY!
College?:: We'll see
Major?:: Dunno
Talk to strangers who IM you?:: Usually
Wear hats?:: Seldom, but yeah
Hate yourself?:: Not particularly
Wish you were someone else?:: No
Have an obsession?:: Nah
Collect anything?:: Not really, no
Have a best friend?:: That's a little juvenile
Wish on stars?:: Never
Like your handwriting?:: Yeah
Any bad habits?:: Mhmmmm
Care about looks?:: Not so much
Believe in witches?:: Yeah
Satan?:: Yup
Ghosts?:: Yeah
Trust others easily?:: No
Like noise? Music?:: Music
First thing you think of:
I see:: this survey
I need:: To scratch my back
I find:: People when we play Hide and Seek
I want:: To go see Aerosmith
I wish:: People would stop sucking
I love:: The Crow
I hate:: MTV
I miss:: State Basketball Tournies.... that was a good fuckin time
I fear:: Leeches
I hear:: Justin Figueora- The Addiction Song
I smell:: Pizza grease..... what the hell??
I crave:: A Tuffy Burger..... and now you probably do, too
I search:: Nowhere for nothing
I wonder:: Why everyone finds shiny things so amusing
I regret:: Last summer...
I cried:: When I got smoked in the testicles with a Super Ball
Last time you.:
Bought something:: Yesterday. Hurray for new pens!
Danced:: Never
Were sarcastic:: Always
Kissed someone:: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... I have no fuckin idea
Talked to an Ex:: Few days ago
Had a nightmare:: I dunno
Last book you read:: Probably Tom Sawyer, last year in American Lit...... that was a long time ago
Last movie you saw:: Jade
Last song you heard:: Monolith by Inborn Suffering
Last thing you had to drink:: Water
Feeling this moment:: A little chilly
Band:: Lyzanxia
Show:: South Park
Movie:: The Crow
Song:: I have way too many, but we'll go with On The Run by Red Penguin
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I'd like to meet:

Eric Draven, David and Franck Potvin, Dirk Verbeuren, Pauly Shore, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, John Lennon, my Grandpa Ed, Lisa Middelhauve, and you.


...And Oceans, 2 Wheels 1, 10 Years, 13 Candles, The 69 Eyes, A Perfect Circle, Aborted, AC/DC, Acid Drinkers, Adversary, AFI, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Aish, Aisling, Alabama Thunderpussy, Alchemist, Alter Bridge, American Head Charge, Amduscias, Amon Amarth, Amsvartner, Annal Nathrakh, Anal Blast, Anathema, Annihilator, Anthrax, Aphex Twin, Area 54, Arch Enemy, The Archies, Arsis, Atheist, Avenged Sevenfold, BB King, Bad Acid Trip, Behemoth, The Berzerker, Black Label Society, Black Stone Cherry, Bloodbath, Blood Red Throne, Bloodsimple, Blue Tonic, Bob Segar, Bone Crushing Annihilation, Borknagar, Brian Simpson, BTO, Buckcherry, Buried Inside, Bush, Bryan Adams, Byzantine, Callenish Circle, Camp Loco, Candlemass, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Carl Orff, Carnal Forge, Carpathian Forest, Celldweller, Celtic Frost, Charlie Clouser, Charon, Chimaira, CKY, Clutch, Coal Chamber, Cradle Of Filth, The Cranberries, Criss Angel, Crotchduster, Crowbar, Cryptopsy, Cult of Luna, The Cult, Cultus Sanguine, The Cranberries, Danzig, Dark Moor, Dark Tranquillity, Darkane, The Darkness, Dave Koz, The Dead Milkmen, Death, Deathstars, Deconstruct, Despised Icon, Devildriver, The Devin Townsend Band, Diabolical Masquerade, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Dishwalla, Dismember, Dissection, Divine Empire, The Doobie Brothers, Doomsword, Downfall, Dragonforce, Dream Theater, Droom, Dustvine, Dying Fetus, Early Man, Earth, Echo 7, Emperor, Encryptor, Endless, Enslaved, Enthroned, Ephel Duath, Eric Clapton, Eric Johnson, Evanescence, Exhumed, Exploder, Faith No More, Fatal Embrace, Finntroll, Flowing Tears, Foghat, Forsaken, Frost Like Ashes, Fuel, Fusion Coil, Garbage, The Gathering, Gypsy Kings, Glenn Miller, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Government Mule, Grave, Graveworm, Gordian Knot, Guns N' Roses, Gwar, Haste the Day, Hatebreed, Hatesphere, The Haunted, Hecate Enthroned, The Hellacpoters, Helmet, Her Enchantment, High on Fire, Hurt, Hypocrisy, Ill Nino, Immolation, Immortal Dominion, Impaled, Impaled Nazarene, Insomnium, In The Woods, Incantation, Internal Bleeding, Ion Dissonance, Jackyl, Jane's Addiction, Jeff Buckley, Jerry and the Zeros, Jesters Moon, Joe Bonamasa, John Coltrane, Jonathan Butler, Jonny Lang, Jungle Rot, Kataklysm, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Killing Joke, Killswitch Engage, King Diamond, KMFDM, Kottonmouth Kings, Kreator, Krisiun, Lacuna Coil, Lamb Of God, Leucosia, Limbonic Art, Liquid Tension Experiment, Live, Loko Phylum, Lord Belial, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Macbeth, Machine Head, Marc Broussard, Mastodon, Meatlocker Seven, Mayhem, Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster, MC5, MDFMK, Megalodon, The Melvins, Mercury Drop, Mercyful Fate, Meshuggah, Milkweed, Ministry The Misfits, Mnemic, Mortician, Mortiis, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Mower, Mudvayne, My Dying Bride, Napalm Death, Neil Young, Nest, Nightrage, Nightwish, Nile, Nine Inch Nails, Norman Greenbaum, Nonpoint, Novembers Doom, Nuclear Assult, Numic, Obituary, Old Man's Child, Opeth, Orphaned Land, Ozzy Osbourne, Pelican, Pennywise, Pentagram, Pessimist, Pissing Razors, Poisonblack, Possessed, Powerman 5000, The Pretenders, Probot, Prong, Prophanity, Puya, Queen, Racer X, Ragnarok, Ravel, Rememberence, Revolting Cocks, Rezophonic, Rigor Mortis, Rob Zombie, Root, Rotting Christ, Rush, Samael, Santana, Satyricon, Scum of the Earth, Seether, Sepultura, Shadowgate, Shadows Fall, Shinedown, Sinergy, Skindred, Skinny Puppy, Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, Soil, Soundgarden, Spiderbait, Spyro Gyra, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Stuck Mojo, Suicidal Tendencies, Sunn O))), Superjoint Ritual, Susperia, Swallow The Sun, Sybreed, Tartaros, Tenacious D, Testament, Thanatos, Therion, Third Day, ThorDown, Thornley, Three Days Grace, Through The Discipline, Tiamat, Timo, Tolerance For Tradegy Tonic, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Tristania, Type-O-Negative, Ulver, Unleashed, Uriah Heep, Unsloemn, Usurper, Vanilla Fudge, Velvet Acid Christ, Voivod, Virga, Weird Al, White Zombie, The Wildhearts, Yyrkoon www.lyzanxia.com


The Crow, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Monty Python and the Life of Brian, Monty Python Live at Hollywood Bowl, Frailty, Clerks 1 and 2, Mallrats, basically anything from Kevin Smith, Young Frankenstein, Idle Hands, Vampires, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Kung Fu Hustle, Asylum of Satan, Monkey Shines, Hellraiser (all of them), A Christmas Story, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Creepshow, Shaun of the Dead, Good Burger, Home Alone 1 and 2, Canadian Bacon, The Omen (the original), The Emperor's New Groove, Uncle Buck, Both Bill and Ted movies, MST3K, House of Wax, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Coneheads, The Lorax (any Dr. Seuss movie for that matter), James and the Giant Peach, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Willy Wonka, Bio-Dome, In the Army Now, Constantine, The Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Movie, Final Destination, Night Watch, Phantom of the Opera, Waiting, Dazed and Confused, The Are You Afraid of the Dark movie, The Keenan and Kel movie, Grandma's Boy, The Benchwarmers, Pink Floyd: Pulse, Dumb and Dumber, Dumb and Dumberer, among others... (I work at a video store, I'm exposed to lost of movies.)


south park, family guy, king of the hill, the simpsons, mxc, wheel of fortune, the news, futurama, mission hill, aqua teen hungar force, the boondocks, futurama, looney tunes, cash cab, the price is right, 100 most metal moments, i love the 80s, headbanger's ball (sometimes), grounded for life, malcolm in the middle, penn and teller: bullshit!, home movies, baby blues, the brak show, that 70s show, whose line is it anyway, beavis and butt-head, 3 south and celebrity deathmatch (even though fuckin mtv cancelled them. fuck i hate mtv.) All the great old school Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network shows: The Angry Beavers, Doug, Rugrats, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Pete and Pete, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, Oh Yeah! Cartoons, Kablam, All That, Keenan and Kel, Hey Arnold, Rocko's Modern Life, Guts (each series of them), Figure It Out, Tiny Toons, Aah! Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, Nick Arcade, What Would U Do?, Double Dare, Stick Stickly, Salute Your Shorts, My Brother and Me, Hey Dude, Bobby's World, Alex Mack, The Mystery Files Of Shelby Wu, Allen Strange, Clarrisa Explains It All, Street Sharks, Mighty Max (Used to be on USA, but whatever),Duck Tales, Tail Spin, Darkwing Duck, many many more. (Holy fuck they cancelled a lot of great shows. Bastards.)


the outsiders, that was then this is now, hatchet, the view from saturday, the exorcist, anything beverly cleary (yeah, shut up, i still like them), the river, old mad magazines, calvin and hobbes, and the far side.

My Blog

Untitled .6

I hope I pray A tear falls from my eye Falls from grace. One voice is calling. All I hear is you. The cold overwhelms your light. I search I tremble But you've become lost. It's raining... My reverie ...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:02:00 PST

Weekend, no Renaissance, Sounds of The Underground

Oh hell, where to start. We'll go last Wednesday night. My friends Treavor calls me up, and asks if I want to go to the Renaissance with him. Of course I do, so I tell him I'll call him back after I s...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:55:00 PST

Untitled .5

Ah, with the passion of madesss Burning in your eyes Your actions without words Tonight will tell it all. The blood drips from your finger As you write your final goodbye. You walk this lonley street,...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:55:00 PST

Untitled .4

Arms wide open Falling forward Waiting for you. Eyes shut tight Heart on the line In this final fall. Unnoticing eyes Uncaring soul You walked away. So here I am... Falling forever....
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:50:00 PST

Untitled .3

I wish you could see How dead you really are to me. All the fears of letting go Are washed away In this river of ecstasy. All that I hated Are reflected in your eyes. All the good I saw in you Is now...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:48:00 PST

Untitled .2

You opened your eyes On the dawn of the lost and lonesome, You're one of them now. The morning dew from the tears of sadness And the wind from the cries of their souls, all but drown out your own pain...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:28:00 PST

New York

Wow motherfuckers. So as most of you know, I recentally went to New York with Kayli, and her parents Kelly and Header. So I figure I'll tell you all about it. Ok, so we left on Sunday. Made the car d...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 09:42:00 PST


You hold onto this dream A dream of peace For your world to get along It seems so easy But so out of reach. The bloodthirsty run rampant The war pigs grasp control Holy Wars will tear our Earth apart ...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Thu, 18 May 2006 03:28:00 PST


Don't you just hate it? All the time you've used up trying to make it look right? And when it doesn't look right, you try to cover it up, as if it's fooling anybody. You try to make it look good in fr...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:05:00 PST

People piss me off

"Sometimes, "the majority" only means all the fools are on the same side." That's a quote I think is true. I really couldn't care less what people think about me,  I like doing things in my own ...
Posted by Dream The Crow Black Dream on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 03:02:00 PST