Music, art, dancing, life, trust, and adventures.. in need of a road trip!!!!!!! Always out to defeat "THE MAN"!
The evil monkey in Chris's closet. Random bands, whore... errr, I mean camera girls/boys need not apply! If I don't know you in REAL life; I highly doubt I will add you in our virtual reality either. If you have outstanding qualities and this can be discussed./style
Anything that dosent suck the life out of me; namely: emo (whinney bitches!), "new" country, boy/girl bands, generic top 40 shit. Yes, I am a dj....lalalalalala
Psycho-Drama, action, gore/horror/comedy's, adult anime, and some crazy b-flick stuff -NOT Canadian b-flick's!, Terrentino, Arakki, Lynch, etc...
no TV as of yet....all well
Good Omens, American Gods, Vertigo Comics, Terry Pratchett, The Story of My Life (yet to be released).
my grandma, true friends