I am a simple person; whom appreciates the smaller things in life. Things such as a star speckled night on a humid summer nite. Gazing at the latest meteor showers as the earth is peppered with balls of glistening light. The enery possesed in a thunder and lightening storm. Or better yet the moment that all of the above would create given the opportunity to share with that someone special.
My Interests
There are so many different influences in ones life; sometimes t becomes unclears as to whether or not the influence is an intrest, obbsession, or hatred. I have taken my analytical ass and tried to break it down for ya all =]
My Sanities:
Rock Climbing
My Obsessions:
Web Application Programming
The Moment
Intellectual Women
My Saviors:
Etta James
Frank Sinatra
Billy Corigan
Trent Reznor
My Blog
Stupid People Shouldnt Breed
You Are Not StupidYou got 10/10 questions right!While acing this quiz doesn't prove you're a genius, you're at least pretty darn smart.Are You Stupid?... Posted by its all gewd on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:52:00 PST
Da 49th Parallel.....
Sometimes you have to loose your self before you can actually find yourself Posted by its all gewd on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 04:54:00 PST
What a mangeled web we weave...
Posted by its all gewd on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:55:00 PST