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Hodgkins Disease and M -TVI am a Hodkins Disease ( I-A , nodular sclerosing subtype) survivor since 1984. I had "A tumor the size of a man's fist and two pans full on lymph nodes that were involved in the cancer" removed. This was the descriptive used by my doctor. I had 20 treatments (fractions) over 27 elapsed days of radiation for a total of 4,000 rads. (rads is outdated terminology I'm told).Twenty-Two years later, at the age of 38 (September 2006), I was diagosed with Breast Cancer (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (stage 2, grade 3) and Insitu in my left breast. I opted to have a bi-lateral mastectomy (both breast removed).I saw my family doctor, two Oncologists, a surgeon and a plastic surgeon and none of them mentioned having both breasts removed. I had already had a "life time" dose of radiation for Hodgkins Disease to my chest wall, so they did all agree that a mastectomy with chemo was my only option. My husband thought to ask the docs about it making sense that I have both breasts removed (both had been in the radiation field during Hodgkins treatment) and they were all very supportive and on board with the idea as soon as WE asked.I had thought if I asked them they would think I was some kind of body mutilator. Into extreme surgerys and over reacting. I am so grateful my husband asked! I would have thought SOMEONE along the way would have given me this option before. Insurance has to cover this I am told.
My pathology reports after the mastectomy revealed more Insitu cells in my right breast that even the ultra powered P.E.T. scan did not pick up.
My chemo doc says they "All wiped their brow" when that test came back, relieved I had the right one removed also. He said I would have been back getting more chemo in 5-10 years with full blown cancer in the right breast (and even less options for treatment, now I've had a "life time" dose of certain chemo). Amazingly, none of my lymph nodes were involved.with chemotherapy through a port. First I had Adriamycin along with Cytoxan (dose dense-bi weekly, for eight weeks).I participated in a blind study (Pivital Phase III Observer Blind, Randomized Clinincal Trial). for "The Efficacy and safety of APF530 compared to Aloxi," during 3 of the chemo treatments.
I am presently receiving 12 consecutive weeks of Herceptin and Taxol. Then Herceptin only for 9 months. I am undergoing reconstructive surgery with expanders. Insurance is paying for a boob job, I can live with that.*My father served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange previous to my conception. Agent Orange is know to cause cancer in those exposed directly to Agent Orange, but not yet proven in Their children.*Be aggressive with questions and options to your doctors. You (or in my case, my husband) are your best Patient Advocate. This could be life saving advice.*I found the "lump" through self examination - 4 weeks after my yearly breast exam by my female family doctor. I had seen show on M tv (Yes, Music Television!) in the early 90's about a young girl (Twenty-Something) who had breast cancer. She said she was a Hodkin's Disease survivor, who had radiation to her chest, "Before they knew it caused breast cancer". She probly saved my life.This is why I am passing this one one.Two Time Survivor,
Debbie DeGrow - RobertsWho says Mtv is garbage?-LOL**01/25/2007 update**
During my 7th Treatment of Herceptin/Taxol I had breathing problems at Chemotherapy. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and spent six days in the Critical Care Unit (CCU). I had fluid and "fuzzy spots" on my lungs. I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure due to the Chemotherapy. My Ejection Fraction was just 20%.My chemo has been discontinued and I am now on Coreg and Lisopril for my heart condition.
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Jackyl, Jesse James Dupree with the chainsaw
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