i wanna piss on the ashs of this twisted world, i wanna watch the whole fuckin thing burn..burn..BURN! an enemy of man, is what i am. and when the end comes i'll die laughin!
however if you want to know more. here's a few of my opinions.
the world would/will be better off if/when we (the human race) no longer exist.
the vatican empire has constructed the greatest lie of all time.
i think the greatest problem with this country (with a close second bein, whether or not gay's can get married. the fact that that's acutally a fuckin issue. an issue that is debated to exhustin lengths by the leaders of OUR goverment, while ignorin real problems [list WAY to fuckin long to start on that subject] fuckin sickens me!) is all of the goddamm "star watchers". entertainment tonight-type shows, and people-type magizines and the folks that eat the plates of ryan seacrest's shit slack jawed and happy that they now know britneys favorite scent of fuckin douche.........aggghhh! i can't even begin to describe how much that shit piss's me off!
our "greatest legal system" is in fuckin ruins, especially when we have rapeist, and murders that will get out of prison before someone who had some drugs...the latter of which, dependin on how much they had, may NEVER get out!
plus the fact that we have different standards for "celebrities", when it comes to servein jail/prison/probation time. remember paris hilton...yeah YOU go to jail and try to demand how the gaurds are gonna treat you. and see what fuckin happens!
the war on drugs has done NOTHIN but waste money, lives, and create felons outta millions of simple (many times hard workin) folks.
perry ferrel said it best when he said...."some people should die, that's just unconscionusness knowledge!"......that's so very true.
the only "cure" for child molesters/rapeist is a fuckin bullet in the head. you can tell me all day long about group therapy, or differnt drugs "chemical castration"....(hell even physcial castration) and it's all bull shit! none of those things will ever change that person's mind...and just cuz (and this is assumin that they are takenin their medications) they can't get an erection...dosen't mean they can't abduct, torture, watch someone else fuck, beat mercilessly, fuck them self's with dildo's/broomsticks/or a fuckin broken beer bottle! punishment should fit the crime....but their is no punishment great enough for takein a childs innocence, and sense there is NO way of ever rehabilitatin these people. they should just be put to fuckin death.
and as far as the fuckin preist, they should be shot, as well as the fuckin bishops, the cardnials, and anyone else that tried to hide/cover up the priest's actions...hell even put a bullet in the popes head-if he had anything to do with it!
human life is not sacred!
well that's just a little of what goes on in my head, and in the words of dennis miller...."that's just my opion, i could be wrong.".....and in my case i probally am, but i don't give a fuck. i'm sick of people not speakin their minds, cuz they might hurt someone else's feelin's.....FUCK YOU! we all have the right to say what the fuck ever we want to say, just like we all have the right to react anyway we want to what someone else says. whether or not we agree with what someone else says, whether it offends, disturbs, invades and disputes our moral standards, questions our religious belifes or what the fuck ever.....we have many options in dealin with someone. the one option we don't have, however, is censorin that person....freedom of speech is a right givein to each and every one of us.....and it's the most important right....that's why they made it number one!...
anything else you want to know just ask.....however despite what your 3rd grade teacher said...there are such things as stupid questions...and if you ask one..i will make sure to point out such a situation.