Winning, success and the triumph over something hard. Schooling or training, you know the stuff that is in the way of where you want to be. I have interest is the story of how bad it sucks to hurdle and obstacle. I really like the punch line for what people learn after being put in difficult situations. More like rags to riches stories. Less like survival of torture stories.
Good people. You know who you are.
Blues. Country. Rap. Pop. If it is an expression of feeling that tells a story in a rhythm and sometimes rhymes, then I like that music.
I like them all. Good, bad, formula Hollywood to independent films I like to see movies. I am the guy in the second row.The advantages of the second row: Most people do not like being that close to the screen and don't sit near me. I like good people but bad people always go to movies. Leave cell phones on, talk to each other during dialog; in general just take me out of the atmosphere the movie is trying to present. Unless you are hot and want to make out with me, don’t bother me during a movie.
I have better things to do with my time then watch T.V. Maybe I will watch if I get Tivo and can sift through the thought killing shine. You know, the commercials and shows that just fill time, keep you from a thought process conducive of analytical thought. Sure, I enjoy a football games and about twenty minutes of media news pulp each day. Other then that I've got a book to read.
I think books are neat. If you do not spend at least an hour with your nose in one, you are not doing enough thinking in your day. You are becoming a mindless promoter of a standard formula. Good luck having an original thought in your brain. Literate is being well read not just being able to read well. If you don't know the difference you should read more.
Any person with the knowledge of how to not get caught and you still do what is correct, is my hero. We are alike and you are probably a good person.