Cars, cars and more cars! My iPod! i Love hangin out at clubs and bars with mah friends.. i Love Music of any kind and i cant live a day without hearing a song to put me in the mood for anything(driving, working, sleeping, partying).. i alSo am kind of a Techy coz i like the latest High TeCh gAdgeTs and sTuFF... i Love watchin drag races and talkin about cars and girls.. :) Oh, and i love watchin girls too! .. .. :)
PASSIONATE LOVER. You Love to love, always looking
for a relationship. You cannot live without it.
Your lover must be passionate and you want
that you and your partner melt into each other.
She should try to take the domination.
You dont want a relationship without passion,
and the sexuality plays a big part. The first
moment you meet her is the most important time.
There has to be something between you, you cannot explain.
From the first moment on, everything must fit.
But when this passion disappears you disappear too.
For you it is better to leave than to see your love restrained...
PARIS HILTON! Old friends, Newer Friends and the rest of the whole damn WORLD... They say a Stranger is just a Friend you have'nt met before, in that case "Howdy Stranger!" :)
i LoVe aLL kinds of MuSic! iT DepeNds oN my MoOd..
LOTR Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy, Star Wars episodes and a whole lot mOre...
The DiscoVery Channel (riDes), SpOngEbOb SquArePants, MTV, MYX, HBO,ETC, Disney Channel.. =)
... Ni! ...