I have a passion for photography. It is one of the few things that I think I am actually good at. Although I could be wrong, but who cares cause I love it. I love to listen to music and all kinds cause its pretty important to me. I love to hang out with my husband and spend time with our family and friends.
I would love to meet any and all photographers! I need input and advice on my photography and would love any that any photographers can provide. Anyone who is nice and enjoys reading my blogs. Even if it is just half as much as I enjoy making the dorky things. haha Would love to meet up with old friends that have lost touch from school or whatever. As far as the more unreachable goals... Kenny Chesney (cause he is so tiny I could put him in my pocket!!) Dolly Parton (cause I wanna ask her how she lugs those things around!! My back hurts just lookin at her!!!) OH... MY... GAWD!!! Let me take a moment to say "THANK YOU DR ATAGI! I will be forever in your debt for your wonderful plastic surgery skills!!" And I would really like to meet the entire cast from All My Children, cause I am a soap junkie (well just All My Children) and I just think it would be amazing. Jacob Young.. if you read this.. call me :o) hehe
I just love music in general... there really isn't much at all that I don't like. I go in phases. But I love everything! You will notice my music songs will change a lot on here. If you have any music that you think I would like for whatever reason, please pass it my way! I love to try hear bands that I haven't heard before.
YES YES YES!!! Movies are always good. I am always in the mood to hit the theater or cuddle on the couch. Good Stuff. I love all movies! Well, I dont like thrillers or sci-fi too much. Like Alien and Predator and all that. No thank you! I am a sucker for a good chick flick. But then again, who isnt? haha There are SO many new movies out right now that I want to see and just don't have the time. Please tell me about any new movies you have seen so I know if I am missing something good or not.
Well lets see, where do I start? TV is kinda my thing. One hour shows? I'm game. All My Children is the only daytime TV that I watch, but I TiVo it. God gave me TiVo because he loves me! lol Lets see... my Tivo line up is Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, Sopranos, Big Love, LOST, Heroes, Ugly Betty, Men in Trees and House. Miami Ink is the only reality tv that I watch but I am addicted to tattoos so I can't help it. I also make time for 20/20 and Dateline each week. Not sure why but they make me happy and feel like I know a little something. My husband is addicted to the Science Channel, NASA Channel and National Geographic Channels so we watch those a LOT. We got a big screen HDTV so I am completely spoiled with the HD. LOVE IT! How could I EVER go back to regular tv again? Don't think its possible.
I tend to read a lot. and I mean A LOT... I kinda get made fun of! lol I read mostly fun, flirty kind of romance, not like the books you would see Fabio on the cover of, but I do like a little girly feel to it. I also read mystery, thrillers (even tho I cant stomach the movies - lol) Biographys and pretty much anything that I pick up. My very favorite author is Jennifer Wiener. If you dont know who she is, she wrote the book In Her Shoes that then became a movie with Cameron Diaz and Shirley McClaine. She is hilarious!! I read all of her books cover to cover in one sitting. I just couldnt put them down! If you read.. give her a try and let me know what you think. I love all sorts of books and even more I love when people suggest books to me, so please let me know if there is something that I am missing out on.
My husband!!! Cause he puts up with me and still loves me more every day!!!