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It's amazing how music can change your world - try it some time!!

About Me


They’ve been released . . .
The tour starts NOW!!

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

Chuck Panozzo's book available now at Barnes & Noble!

My Interests

Music, live concerts
Songwriting, songwriters

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Travel goal: Lake Tahoe in late spring, just after everthing has started to bloom & turn green

Finishing my degree
(The *OFFICIAL* halfway-mark has been finally been crossed! It takes so long going part-time. Very surreal . . .)

Tons of other stuff!!!

The Summer Jams Playlist

Theme Song of the Month:

Heard this again recently; Rik Emmett really captures the feeling a fan gets from some songs that just grab you by the heart & squeeze. Some are so relatable, they don’t ever let you go . . . Go listen to this again.

Magic Power
by Triumph

Somethin's at the edge
of your mind,
you don't know
what it is -
Somethin' you were
hopin' to find
but your not sure
what it is -
Then you hear the music
and it ALL
comes crystal clear
The music does the talkin'
says the things
you want to hear

I'm young,
I'm wild
and I'm free
I got the magic power
of the music in me

She climbs into bed,
pull the covers overhead
and turns
her little radio on
She's had a rotten day
so she hopes the DJ's
gonna play
her favorite song
It makes her feel
much better,
brings her closer
to her dreams
A little magic power
makes it better
than it seems

She's young now,
she's wild now,
she wants to be free
She gets the magic power
of the music in me

If you're thinkin' it over
but you just can't
sort it out
Do you want someone
to tell you
what they think
it's all about?
Are you the one and only -
who's sad and lonely,
reachin' for the top?
Well the music keeps you goin'
and it's never gonna stop
never gonna stop
never gonna,
never gonna

The world is full of compromise,
and infinite red tape,
But the music's got the magic,
it's your one chance for escape
So turn me on -
turn me up -

A little magic power
makes it better than it seems


I'd like to meet:

Luckily, I've met some of the best musicians (STYX, among others) and F R I E N D S that I could ever have!!! There have even been some great teachers along the way - you KNOW who you are! (No, Rick, I haven't forgotten about you! How is the band doing?)

So, for those I haven't yet had the pleasure to meet:
Sharon Osbourne
(THE artist management GENIUS! Will you be my mentor? Seriously!)
Steve Perry (musical enigma)
Cher (strongest woman I know of, I've admired her all my life)
Chad Kroeger (under-rated, underestimated rocker - brilliant!)
Johnny Depp! (How can I forget such a talented actor?)

You know who would make THE most fun next-door neighbor, IMHO? Steven Tyler! Since I can't afford *his* neighborhood, he'll have to come slummin' in mine! : ) Steven, how about a bar-b-q?

As for meeting the "life of the party" type people, and some of the funniest comedians I know: Wayne Brady (who is an improv mastermind!!), Steven Wright (I love it when he cracks himself up!), and Gallagher (who's take on absolute reality is sadly hysterical)! Sorry Gallagher, you'll have to party at someone else's house - I can't afford the cleaning bill for you! LOL!

Others too numerous to mention. . . I love meeting fun, smart, creative, and interesting people!!!

Do "MCDREAMY's" really exist?


Journey (with Steve Perry)
Damn Yankees
Kevin Chalfant
Def Leppard
Night Ranger
REO Speedwagon
Theory of a Deadman
Bon Jovi
Puddle of Mudd
Nearly EVERY 80's "hair" band
Gregg Rolie
Motley Crue
Social Burn
This list could go on all day. . . . .


"Classic" Classic: Gone with the Wind (Scarlett kicks booty!)

Action: any Lethal Weapon

Thinking movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind & Butterfly Effect

Dumb humor, when you are in the mood for dumb humor: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Yes, I own it, yes, I still laugh!

Romance/Chick Flick: Untamed Heart

Classic Comedy: Arthur &
Ferris Buehler's Day Off

Comedy: Mean Girls (the truth hurts, lol)

Weird movie you have to see to believe: Vanilla Sky

Social Commentary that's not too preachy: Crash & What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (Trust me, RENT IT!!)

Tear-Jerker: Mask


Grey's Anatomy
(And hey, I was a Dempsey fan from back in the early 90's, ya bunch of slowpokes!)

What About Brian?

Behind the Music (bring it back!!)

Mad About You
(Anyone remember the subtle humor of Paul Reiser? The early seasons were a scream - I recommend his first book. Just don't read it while eating - you'll laugh so hard you'll spit your drink across the room! Been there, done that.)

REAL music videos
(Anyone remember the oldies but goodies? With real storylines or concert shots?)

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
(If you have not seen the Ross "The Intern" Mathews segments on this show - you are missing out! Ross rocks!)

(PLEASE give this show a DNR; I'm only watching to see how it ends!!!)

College courses take up so much time... I used to watch more...now it's all background noise while I'm ...


Susanne's Diary for Nicholas - James Patterson
I love escapsim: "Public Secrets" by Nora Roberts
Stephen King! Yeah, gotta include the Master of Horror, though there's only been about 5 times in the 50 or so novels of his that I've read where I've scared the pants off myself! Do NOT read Stephen King alone, at night, in bed, during a thunderstorm. At least, I'd advise against it.
Dean Koontz is another excellent writer. Being the total sucker for any dog on the planet, my first recommendation to start you off in Koontz-land is "The Watchers". Incredibly interesting - but not much on scary.
And when you gotta have trash (and who doesn't need a trashy novel now and then), you must try Jackie Collins. FUN!
Best book I wanted to read for classic category (and got the "reason" through class - Thanks NF): Lolita by Nabokov
Best classic to read for pleasure: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Biographies: The Doors, Led Zepplin, Motley Crue (The Dirt), Aerosmith, etc.


Anyone who has found their "One Thing" in life, and is working to go after it.

Creative people who can express themselves so it resonates with hundreds or thousands of people! I'd love to be able to do that!

My Blog

Interesting & more crapola

I thought I wouldn't want to watch, but I'm really flipping over the possibilities of the new Grey's spin off with Addison.  Did you SEE who will be in it??  Taye Diggs!!  Amy Brenneman...
Posted by wistyxfan on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:44:00 PST

Countdown is on....

. . .until I am DONE with Professor Bitch's class. It would already be OVER if the teeny little snotface would FREAKIN' ANSWER HER DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOO FRUSTRATE...
Posted by wistyxfan on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:15:00 PST

Hee hee hee . . . until nearly 4 in the morning . . .

My neighbor stopped over last night, so my sister and I made us all some drinks and we had a "Girls Night In".  It was pretty fun, I must say.  We decided to play Trivia Pursuit, the TV edit...
Posted by wistyxfan on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:03:00 PST


There is NO one really worth seeing at Riverfest this summer, either. (announcement just came over email tonight) This summer is not looking good at all so far.  Either I'm going to go insane, be...
Posted by wistyxfan on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

April 18 catch up

Long time, no type.  It's funny how when I check out of here for a while, I never seem to miss much.  Just shows to go you - there's more to life than MySpace!!   There has been so muc...
Posted by wistyxfan on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:08:00 PST

Not too much new....

We had quite the relaxing weekend here, for the most part!  Our Easter was postponed due to my sister's schedule, so we will get together & eat & be merry later in the month.  Tif wo...
Posted by wistyxfan on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST


Ridiculous! I had a fairly complex password, and supposedly I was phished. This is phishy to me........ I'm changing weekly now, dammit!
Posted by wistyxfan on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 07:56:00 PST


Words of wisdom. Yes, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  But there are times when saying nothing is not the best way either. I received what I feel is a rather rude repl...
Posted by wistyxfan on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:21:00 PST

In Memory of....

Crum. We had to say goodbye to Crum today.  He was Tif's very old hamster, going on at least 4 - twice the life of most hamsters. Just last week he was stuffing his cheeks with Yogis and making m...
Posted by wistyxfan on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:46:00 PST

Reflections on the little things . . . .

Counting my blessings today, I guess you could say.  I got to start one of my favorite daily rituals today, and it makes such a great difference in my attitude.  Not to mention, it keeps my ...
Posted by wistyxfan on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 08:41:00 PST