Hello there, my name is
If you are nice to me, I am as sweet as pie.. (and pie can be pretty fucking sweet!) However, if you are a cunt to me or anyone I care about, I will make your life not worth living.
I like eating sushi, burning things, the sound of glass breaking and drinking coffee.
I am an artiste and I love to paint and draw and go to art galleries. I have been hung before but you will not see any of my art on here as I am also a perfectionist, and I don't think it is good enough to show off. That, plus Myspace is pretty much a cesspool of plagiarism.
Please don't stereotype me. I don't think I'm anything special, but I defy definition.
I hate cruelty to animals.
Do not proposition me in messages or the like. It won't get you far, in fact it won't even get you a reply. Also please respect the fact that I have a boyfriend by not leaving me inappropriate comments.
I am intelligent and articulate, despite what you may think. If this intimidates you, then I suggest that you absquatulate.
I'm a twin. I have a symmetrical face... apparently, and a widow's peak. Don't tell me how pale I am... I already know, and I'm also short - deal with it.
'Gluten' is a stupid word.
This is all sounding very negative, but really I'm a very positive, fun-loving person. My family and friends mean the world to me, and they have all shaped who I am, for the better, in some way. I have been called 'weird' too many times for it to be a coincidence, but I'm a nice weirdo, really :)
I like going to parties, the movies, gigs, hooning, dancing (if you would call it that), moshing, listening to music, acting, making art and generally being creative.. and shopping.
I ♥ make-up.
I like meeting new people. (hint, hint) *nudge nudge* :)
adopt your own virtual pet!
Contact Tables
xHaving to be away from Paul :(
xReality tv
xThe way the words 'emo', 'random' and 'poser' are being grossly overused by people
xHaving to be patient
xRunning out of Ice Magic
xShallow, superficial, selfish, two-faced, arrogant, jealous, unreasonable, rude, sarcastic, goody-goody, obnoxious, ignorant, homophobic, cruel, dishonest, judgemental, boring, narrow-minded, conceited, moody or hypocritical people
xPeople who become addicted to things
xMan boobs
xThose fake tattoo sleeves that people are wearing at the moment...we can tell they aren't real and it just makes you look like a dick. Get that shit tattooed you pussy!
x'In-jokes' that I am not in on
xGirls who kiss other girls despite the fact they're not even gay or bi, just solely to get attention from guys
xMen with long fingernails...I don't care if it's so you can play guitar better, it's disgusting.
xBeing ignored
xThe black jelly babies...Eew!
xDouble standards
xHaving to repeat myself
xChauvenistic male pigs
xSexism towards women...(I think I may have been a feminazi in a previous life)
xPeople who state the obvious..(Although I am sometimes guilty of this)
xPeople who are against something without ever having experienced it themselves
xPeople who add me with no intention of talking to me
xPeople who send me a friend request and then say 'thanks for the add' if I approve them...WTF? You added me shithead
xPeople who set their profiles to private. How the fuck am I supposed to know if want to be your friend if I can't read anything about you?! You're not that fucking exclusive, get over yourselves.
xThe saying "blue and green should not be seen"...I think blue and green look nice together
xWhen my brothers leave stubble in the sink
LET IT BE KNOWN: If you are part of the frangipani-or-playboy-bunny-sticker-on-car Cult then you are my sworn enemy. Your days are numbered...
I think that about covers it...