My name is Alex, some things about me as they come into my head as follows:
I recently got addicted to HoboWars . My idle net time has never been so fruitfully wasted since Donna got me hooked on this.
I am a professional student. I have been studying for ages and yes I am passing stuff, not just repeating year after year....except that maths class; I can't do an intro math class and yet I can do linear algebra, numerical analysis and some pretty whacked out pure maths that seems very practical to me. Give me a book and I can learn anything in no time flat. My friends at Uni hate me, as they take weeks on a project that I knock over in a hour or two. I just don't understand why they find documentation and write up so much easier than I do.
I'll get a real job that will set me on a career path sometime soon, bit tired of study. I was thinking something over seas that pays well and I can just save up and then retire early.
Combined Driving Events or Horse Drving Trials; Have you heard of Prince Philip?
My lil bomb car. It is a Dato, thats like a Nissan. Make a beaut Rally car, I love opening it right up on dirt roads. You noticed that I am student right? Nothing swank for me!
I am an Army Brat and have seen a fair amount of Australia with Dad and his posting. Been to Asia, when you live in Darwin it is only a short hop and a skip, sorry I think that airline closed down, no no, that was the other one. Anyway traveled a bit as a young snot. Recently I have seen a fair bit of regional Australia when I was following Horse events, but I havent been keeping any ponies in top form, so I dont go because I am only interested in competing. Worst spectator ever, unless it is a friend competing, then I make an effort!
.:: My Garden ::.
.:: Kanga Danga ::.