i'm into acting, makin' music, playin' and singin' songs...johnny cash is awesome - skateboarding is awesome when you're not injured or in the process of getting injured...i also love movies, shooting pool, hiking occasionally, and generally enjoy trying out new things. frisbee/disc golf is a great slacker sport. =P
mini-ramp shredders, keg drinkers, real actors, fake singers, and cliff divers.
pearl jam, jane's addiction, system of a down, tool, metallica (not so much anymore), korn, aerosmith, linkin park, eminem...as well as avril, pink, madonna, pyt, no doubt...then there's the green day, good charlotte, blink 182...but the latter two not so much...oh yeah, my brother's everchanging band name (Ki *shrugs*) as well as keane, coldplay, copeland, maroon 5, and that sortsa stuffs.
signs, walk the line, king kong was sweet - most Pacino flicks, acting movies, drama movies, action, some sci-fi - anime a bit (not the sex crap - but hayao miyazaki stuffs and classics like akira), The Achievers =P, pretty much every Johnny Depp film, Nicole Kidman (I know that's not a movie...but), and cool indie movies. =) i watch them all.
i'm trying to be better and watch some shows - I got into Lost, then I got outta of it (now i'm back in it)...before that I did the same with Six Feet Under and nip/Tuck - tho the finale to Six Feet Under I did watch and like. The UT/USC football game is probably the only football game I have actually watched from beginning to end - and it was pretty badass. I doubt I'll watch too many more ^_^; (sorry football) I am a big fan of 24. I don't care how repetitive it is - Jack Bauer kicks ass, and his eye-candy daughter's comin' back this season. Hooray! *ahh, random print audition from a buddy! -- Masa, u're on MySpace ^_^*
stephen king, john grisham, clive barker, katherine neville, ken follett ... pretty much most of the bestsellers at the airport bookstore. did i mention stephen ... oh wait. Yep.
everyone who goes out to stake their claim...and all the dreamers out there who made their dreams come true.