yoga, flowers, hooping, hanging at the river, being a total mac geek (oldschool!), dancing my ass off, the adventures of gay ken, barbie and elvis, ummmmmmm..... brussels sprouts, blue cheese, getting other people to talk about that stuff they usually keep quiet, writing in all caps and typing in lowercase, thunderstorms, hammocks and islands, thailand, the occasional ovaltine rush, sexual behavior and deviancy and toys, strong bass lines, the addictive qualities of sushi, rollercoasters, flying saucers, the way kids discover the world
"Nothing is really so very frightening when everything is so very dangerous." - Gertrude Stein
intelligentsia with style.
disco dollies full of flash and trash.
those of you who aren't afraid to love.
superheroes who speak their truth, from whom i can always learn.
my soulmates- all of you.
Buffy: "The Watchers Council shrink is heavy into tests. He's got tests for everything. T.A.T.s, Rorschach, associative logic...He even has that test to see if you're crazy that asks if you ever hear voices or you ever wanted to be a florist."
Willow:" Ooo, I used to want...Wait. Florist means crazy, right? I never wanted to do that. "
singy stuff, intellipop, afrobaroque musings, friends' mix tapes that i love to shreds- ted's mix tapes (oops, cds)in particular, old stuff, sad stuff, shivery stuff, fun stuff, sexy stuff, hoopin' stuff, funky stuff, lonely stuff,zeppelin-y stuff (no coda), drinky stuff, stew, the weakerthans, sarah harmer, the eels, frank, that brad jones song, '70's rock, powerpop, punky garage band-y shit, tnp, radiohead, and the boy that sings in my shower.
to quote my cousin courtney at thanksgiving grace, 1984- "god bless prince. may his purple majesty reign forever!"
breathless (godard, not the cheesy american rip-off), jules et jim, blue, white and red, the manchurian candidate (again, the original), the graduate, the decalogue, the big lebowski, moulin rouge, grease, breaking the waves, harold and maude, carnal knowledge, ummm... oh yeah... the still-in-progress stew movie, porn, what i've seen of terry gilliam's stuff; oh, ya know....
friday night lights, lost, heroes, the simpsons, six feet under, scientific american frontiers, law and order, the daily show, buffy, bbca- esp what not to wear, weird forensic stuff, as time goes by, the mcloughlin group (BYE-BYE!)
oh, and ANTM. doesn't get much better in the fun and fashonista trash tv dept!
wandering / hermann hesse, where i'm calling from / carver, encyclopedia of cultural literacy / hirsch, gone with the wind / mitchell (shaped my views of love and romance forever), life is elsewhere/ kundera, post office / bukowski, the prophet/ gibran, the magician's assistant/ann patchett, crossing to safety/ stegner, wind up bird chronicle/ haruki, richard scarry's picture dictionary, splish slash and splush, in the night kitchen/sendak (i stole the book in kindergarten because it was banned- my 1st first amendment stand!)
mrs. ballou. vela. hayden fry. cartier bresson, francoise gilot, krishnamacharya and the great cupcake. betty dodson. edie sedgwick. picasso. bucky (one day i will live in a geodisic dome).