What does the Internet, Television, and Music have in common? They do not only command the attention of there audiences, but they also reinforce existing behavior, demonstrate new behavior, and affects the audiences emotions.
City Entertainment Television is a online television network that provides an ideal outlet for sharing information to the youth that is Entertaining,informative and educational that can and will be life changing.
Our mission along with Young CEO Entertainment is to provide a platform through Internet, Television, and Radio for kids who are Artist,Actors,Entertainers, and Film Makers to which they can display their gifts and abilities to the world
By tactically mixing education and entertainment we intend to provide high quality television production which we will showcase content consisting of full length show episodes,webizodes,and short films as well as articles and news pertaining to what you, the kids want to read about.
With the rapidly growing rate of 47 percent of Americas Kidz spending most of there time on the computer and with our new parnership with the largest Kids Entertainment Company in the world Young CEO Entertainment, one can see how Young CEO Magazine will become one of the biggest and the most successful companies in the world which will ultimately become the source for exclusive up close and personal "Edutainment" for kidz.
Thank you for your interest in Yong CEO Magazine, THE KIDZ ONLINE SOURCE FOR EDUTAINMENT.
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