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my pet sish kusyg!:p
thys is my pet sish yg ku sayangi..thys gurl kan..
very2 sombong oo..when me started to said herlow to her..she only said..hui..tnyer sekerat jawab sekeraat..tanyer 2 3 kerat..jawab sekerat jugaks! hee geram banget..but2..skrang..da pandai notty2 da..hihik:p..then now she is da besh sish tht i've..syg kamo banget akaku syg!;p
my pet sish ku yg busyuK
hey2...this is my lovely sish..she's cute rgt?hehhe..tgk la saper adek die!:P..hurm she is loving & caring sister..but sometimese she bcoming notty sister..hahax:P...hey2 i lurve u tu efee busyuk2!:p
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