dii profile picture


it is not the literal past - the 'facts' of history that shape us, but the images of the past embodi

About Me

A simple Penangite now living in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Interests are reading, day dreaming, art and traveling. Children's fantasy books and chocolates are my guilty pleasure although I wouldn't say no to a nice bowl of Ais Kacang, a serving of authentic Penang Char Kuey Teow or a plate of Passembur.
Currently studying for my (edexcel) A-levels in Damansara with Law, Accountings and English Literature as my subjects . I started a bit late which means I'll probably only begin my degree next year. I figured that there's no rush and at least I could use this time to really enjoy my education rather then speeding up to my degree with hardly any mental maturity to show for it. This, of course, is judged by my personal levels of development. I know many people who are able to continue on to their degree without pre-university courses and manage amazingly well. I just like to lead my life in a slow and steady way.
For some reason, when I get agitated or worried, I tend to start doodling on bits of paper. It's a way for me to rest and think of something else rather than to linger on stress-inducing matters. The results of this are the many cartooney drawings which can be seen in one of the albums under my pictures. I won't call it 'art' yet but it's an attempt.
A jeans and t-shirt girl most of the time. I'm quite simple and from what I can tell, most of my best friends are the easy-going types as well. I appreciate those who keep close to me but who at the same time, give me my own breathing space. I value my privacy, perhaps sometimes a little too much but that is who I am. If you like someone to whom you can have a meaningful conversation with or to call in the middle of the night because you just need someone to hear you out, I don't mind being there. However, don't expect me to stick to you like miang on bamboo trees because that's just too close for comfort.
My friends say that I commit myself to a perpetual state of organized mess. Whatever that may be. A juxtaposition? An oxymoron? A paradox? If I surround myself in contradiction, what does that say about me? (Makes you wonder, doesn't it?) However, I do like things to be slightly chaotic, adds a bit of flavour to life. It is like the situation in which your belongings are strewn everywhere, but you prefer it that way because you know exactly where everything is.
While my hair may be unruly, my jeans frayed, torn and scribbled on and my arms 'decorated' with pen marks I do believe that it has grown to be my style. I have come to like my drawers full of writing paper, the towers of notes and books on my work table and the tangle of wires and cords on my bookshelves. Either I'm developing my character or my character is consuming me.
In 2006, at 17 I graduated from Damansara Utama High School. In January 2007 I went to Lake Station, Indiana, USA under the YES Scholarship as an exchange student to Edison Jr Sr High School. Returned to Malaysia in July 2007 and in that same month enrolled myself in college which is where I am right now.
I am a geek at heart. Not pessimistic, just a realist. I'm generally a very mellowed-out person. I'm thankful for the simple pleasures in life and I try to enjoy them as they go by.
I'm thankful to God for providing me with good friends, a good family and a good life.

My Interests

drawing, doodling, reading etc etc

Create your own Friend Test here

I'd like to meet:

High school friends back home and the rest of the kids back in America.

[email protected]


I read a lot of things. care to recommend some good books?


My Blog

end of march, 2008

dina’s rantings ::Has anyone ever been on a fast moving train?the old sort which has coaches fastened to each other with big metal connectors?the coaches which shake so much with every bump on t...
Posted by dii on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 04:11:00 PST

pre-usa departure introduction.

Something I wrote a few months back as an introductory post to my blogger site . Random nonsense of course.:: ************** My name is Dina and I'm a 17 year old girl who lives in Selangor, Malay...
Posted by dii on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:47:00 PST