Well on the 2nd of January of 07 when I went to youth group something amazing happened and I will tell you now cause you need to hear it. Well the pastor's mom was preaching and then she annoited us all and when she got to me she had this feelin like no other and then she asked me if I believed in the Lord and I said "Yes"...then she told me something and I told her I didn't understand. Then she started tell me what she said when she was preaching and I broke down in tears then she was like let it all out because you will be the next "Generation Breaker" like me...then she had me hug her daughter and she said, "that I am not hugging her daughter I was hugging God" and let me tell you it really felt like it too. Let me tell you That was the GREATEST night in my whole life and I wish that all my friends would have been there but they weren't there for a reason..and I don't blame any one. I know that night has really changed me for the better and not the worst and I thank God for that!!Plus also that night when I was praying I spoke in tongue which felt really weird! And for people who don't know what tongue is it means that God has givin you a special gift which sounds like you are speaking in gibberish and you have no idea what you are saying but if you truly believe will be from the Holy Ghost of God. It is a language that God gives you that only you can speak and he is the only who can understand it. Well this past Sunday on the 7th I told Pastor Moses what happened and she was like "WOW" and said that she was praying for me to be able to do that and she also called over her son which is the pastor of our Youth Group and he had the same reaction as his mom. Well before she called her son over so I could tell him. She told me that I should tell everyone on this Tuesday the 9th what happened to me after the annoiting. I know I should tell everyone but I dont have the words to even say anything except when you start to speak in tongue just let it flow like the Holy Spirit of God is within you...cause when you speak in tongue let me tell have a special gift from God and you will deliver on to people like there is no live and to worship him.image hosting site
Well I have something else to you guys is that I went to my first retreat ever in my life and it was Amazing and again I wish some people were there that weren't but like I said they aren't there for reasons of God. The retreat was from March 30th to April 1st. The first night was great but the second night was much better cause more people spoke in tongue that night then ever before and I was Amazed who actually spoke it when they prayed for me for a certain reason I am not going to say. Then Julie and Lorri both had me try to speak in tongue with them but it wasn't coming out and I was getting very mad and when Julie said anyone who wants to get filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongue tonight come up here and then she had the rest of us pray for them and then I started to pray in tongue first thing. Then Lorri snuck up on me and said, "Yes" and hugged me and said, "keep going." Maybe God was just testing me on my patients cause I am really bad on waiting. Impatient is like my middle name no lie. The last night at the retreat has really changed me and so has the church in amazing ways and the Devil don't like it but Ohhh well to him.Well on April 24, 2007 tonight at Youth Group Pastor Mike annoited us. This time it felt right and I wasn't afraid you know. I got double and he told me I had a new name. He said it but I already forgot what he said. This was before he annoited us he said, "Dora this message is for you cause You have been on my mind this whole week." When he started to talk and when he said Dora and said whatever he said, he hit it right on the spot and I started to cry right then and there but I kept it under control. When he said whoever wants to get annoited come up to the front and I did. He annoited me and then he thought he was done then he said wait you get double the annoiting and it felt better. Then I told him what was going in words. He was like "Really", "Cool", and he said that was weird cause I he started to reread a verse to me and then I told him I had already read that chapter and he said that is weird cause there is like a thousand pages in the Bible and that no two people should be able to read the same thing and have him preach on it. I must have received the word but I didn't understand it. Well I loved it cause I received the word I needed and it felt GREAT!!!!! He even told me I did all that I could do and I did the right thing.Well most of you know that I was suppose to go to Cornerstone but I didn't so I guess I will tell you why. Well that morning we had a lice check and they told me that I had it. I kept tellin Julie I didn't have it was my dandruff cause I have that really bad. I also told her that if I have it then so would Ashley(Ba) cause I have been with her every single day for more then a week straight...but they said she didn't have it...I said I know that I don't have it...well guess what my mom checked my head and guess what she also said I didn't have it...then my dad come home from work and he was mad too along with my mom...well later that night I spoke to Ashley on the phone she thought I was raisin my voice but I wasn't meanin to...I was gettin upset on what she was sayin cause she really didn't truelly know how I felt that day...I felt humiliated you know..well I knew that if I did go I would have experienced something great but I don't get to now cause I didn't go..both of my parents along with my brother said I shouldn't go to Youth but nothing about church cause the church has nothing to do with it...well I know for sure cause this happened won't stop me from lovin God never ever in my whole life that I live...I love God to much to do that...but you guys hurt me so much I don't know what do to nor say so don't be mad at me if I don't talk to you when you see me...well I felt like lettin you guys know the truth...cause like I said in the above section I let people know how it is...well I did get to hang with someone from church and that was Christy and let me tell you she thought I was going to think she was crazy for callin me...but she made me feel better that day when she picked me up and took me to the guys softball game...ohh yea they won cause I was I got to know her more and she got to know me more..she was hilarious...I thank her for that...I have also hung out with a whole bunch of other people from church too like Gina..she is so funny...n I can't forget Ariel...Thank you God!!! I have not stopped on what I have been doing..if you wanna know what that is..that is readin my Bible and prayin before I go to bed...well peace out...What one word best describes you?
You are Joyous
Cheerful, Happy, Festive, Positive - Oh my, if YOU walked into a dark room, it's like the sun came up! You can bring a smile to anyones face, and life is good. Keep being happy!
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What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
~*~Result nr 1~*~
Your power is: Clairvoyance
Explanation: Your power is that you can look into the future and see what is coming. How far and long you can look is all depending on your skill level. This can, as all powers, be used in both evil and good. Even if it may seem like a boring ability it is a huge responsibility for the carrier, becase they are constantly tempted with doing the wrongs deeds (e.g. cheat on a test). It takes high morals to not be brought down with it.
Therefor you fit with this power quite well. You take responsibility and do what is the right thing to do. This does not make you a saint, since you're only human after all. But it makes a trustworthy person and you are loyal to camrades and/or team mates. In school you were probably a good student. If you were social varies from person to person, but most clairvoyant people tend to prefer their own company or that of close friends and family. That is because you are wise and knows how to treasure the reliable in your life, since you know popularity can be a false element. You are also not that big on taking risks and prefer what is already explored. That is because you don't like suprises, they can turn out bad and then you won't be in control.
Negative aspects: Since you're always doing the right thing and being trustworthy all the time you can become frustrated. Also, all that you carry on your shoulders may stress you out. You need to relax to be in good mental shape.
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