movies, comics, games, punk rock, hoodies, threadless
Here are ten songs I shuffled out of my iTunes.
I skipped over any doubles.
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
Jawbreaker - Unlisted Track
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - Squeaky Fingers
Devo - Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy
Mission of Burma - Learn How (live)
The Thermals - Our Trip
Joan Jett - Crimson and Clover
Jets To Brazil - Lemon Yellow Black
Piebald - Giddy Like A Schoolgirl
The Pixies - I Bleed
I also listen to a lot of public radio podcasts. not because I think it gives me indie cred, I just like them.
The best movie I saw last year was Brick.
The best movie so far this year has been Hot Fuzz.
The best movie ever is Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Right now I'm watching:
30 Rock
I'm about 2 viewings away from burning a hole in my Arrested Development DVDs.
Real Books I'm Reading:
None right now... that's kind of sad?
Funnybooks I'm Reading:
James Robinson - Starman
Dennis O'Neil - The Question
Bryan Lee O'Malley - Scott Pilgrim Vol 4
Anything by Jeffrey Brown or Paul Hornschemeier.