Being outdoors; cigar bars & lounges with fine leather chairs; reading; discussing religion, politics, i.e philosophy; Monte Cristo Number 2 cigars; Glenmorangie 32 Year Old scotch; Eastern Europe; Catholicism; the Polish and Chinese Languages; My parents; Shopping; Video Games; and Nacho Supremes from Taco Bell!
My Descendents; whatever was taught to me, and that I teach to my kids will manifest itself in future generations. I just want to make sure that someday I do a good job!
R&B, 80's English Rock, Classical, Opera, and rap music by DIP-Set, Juvi, B.G. Fabolous, Notorious BIG, Rakim, Nas, Common, Kalib Tweli, Mos Def, Roots, New Orleans Brass Bands, and a few other choice rappers who I may happen to hear on the radio @ any given time, but wouldnt drop a dime for a CD, bootleg nor authentic! Oh I'm sorry....N.O.R.E!
I like period peices, war movies, documentaries, historical accuracies, and chick flicks because they remind me of how love is definitly not!
FOX News, C-Span 1 & 2, Kim Possible, Fox Sunday Night line-up, Law & Order (all of them), CSI (all of them), Sienfeld, and Frasier
Who's America
X, Farrahkan, and other Black Conservatives who agree that we don't need to rely on government assistance to survive, Lincoln because through his principle we can succeed, and Every Black Republican because they were smart enough to either not fall in the trap or escape it. I was talking to a Democrat two days ago over lunch and what he told me sounded great. Check it out "I agree with giving tax credits to the poor, they put it back into the economy...they buy rims, clothes, and jewelry...they make businesses rich, which encourages growth...if you give it to a conservative, they will hold on to it, save it....taking money out of the economy but increasing their worth" I.E. Hell if ur poor, we'll give you money...but you better stay your ass in the Ghetto!