the outdoors (mountains,forests,wildlife) women, computers,lakes rivers the ocean ... the ladies
The Bull
People Iced: Eight
Car Bombs Planted: Three
Favorite Weapon Sack full of doorknobs
Arms Broken: Twelve
Eyes Gouged: Twenty One
Tongues Cut Off: Thirteen
Biggest Enemy: El Loco Moto
Get Your HITMAN Name
AWSOME-GAME You are the sexually active drunk
When you get drunk you become uninhibited sexually and are always looking for ways to get laid. Flirting is much easier for you, and for some reason, alcohol makes you more charming.
Take this quiz at
Alot of people
Are you Good or Evil?
You are half evil, and half good. The perfect balance!
'Are You Good or Evil?'
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tool apc breakin benjamins stone sour nickleback jack johnson hmmmm i like alot of music all diff kinds
yeah im a movie buff
The Simpsons,Futurama,Family Guy, CSI Las Vegas, Discovery Channel,History Channel,Bam's the man ,jackass,comedy central...
Dean Koontz is my favorite author e-1.jpg
my mom she has been thru alot in her life to support and raise us kids....and a few of my friends love ya mom