My name is Aryeh, im an orthodox jew.I live in new york. and i am prod to be jewish! Every single enemy that has tried to wipe out Israel, only wiped themselves outJERUSALEM-Israels eternal capital. Why should the Jews not have full control of Jerusalem? Judiasm was the 1st religion known to mankind! Muslims have Mecca, Christian have Rome, and Jews have Jerusalem! Its funny, although Israel controls Jerusalem, Muslims can still pray there. But a Jew is not allowed to step foot in Mecca or his head gets chopped off! Where are the satanic liberals on this? Is this not racism?ISRAEL IS A RACIST COUNTRY-Oh really? Have you ever heard the term Israeli-Arab? Israel has arabs in their government! Arabs have a better life and more rights in Israel then they do in their own countries! In Saudi Arabia, by Islamic law, if a Jew steps foot there, his head must be chopped off! Where are the satanic liberals on this?! Is this not racism?! In Iraq, everyone is allowed to become an Iraqi citizen, unless you were born in Israel? Where are the liberals? Do I need to mention what the arab media plays everyday to their people about jews??? Liberals, where are you?!ISRAEL IS AN APARTHEID NATION-Really? Thats funny, because when their was a huge earthquake in muslim Turkey, Israel was the first country their helping! The same with the earthquake Mexico! The majority of Indonesians call for the destruction of Israel, yet Israel was their for them during the Tsunami! In 1 point or the other, every arab nations has massacred its own people (Saddam and the kurds, & Syria and Haffez Assad, & Jordan and the Palestinians in Black September). But thats not apartheid?! What has Israel done to become an apartheid nation? Because it launched missles at cars with ticking timebombs ready to blow themselves up? Because it destroys the home of satanic 72 virgin seeking terrorist scum?SATANIC LIBERALS-I could write an essay on you idiots. You are worst then terrorists, because you protect them, and dont understand that they still hate you also! Where are you on the daily massacres in SUDAN?!?! Black christians are being burnt alive by the muslims in sudan? But yet you only focus on Israel! Where were you when saddam gassed innocent kurds?? Why have you not fought for a resolution in the UN condemning suicide bombings against israelis? But you call for daily resoultions against Israel! Why would u protest agains the war on afghanistan? Did you want the taliban to stay?? And for you stupid liberals who stand in front of the suicide bombers houses about to be demolished, why dont you stand in front of their house and protest before they go blow up little kids and old women?!?! And if you hate America and Israel so much, i suggest you move to france or actually move to Saudi Arabia. Especially you stupid liberal women, please go to saudi arabia, you'll love the freedoms they will offer you there ;KOFI ANAN & THE UN-Kofi, you are the biggest wimp and biggest terror appeaser in the world. Everytime Israel kills a ticking time bomb suicide bomber, your little wimpass with the rest of the UN write resoultion after resolution against Israel. What the hell would any other country do?! Where is your resolutions against suicide bombers Kofi? Where is your resoultion against your son who profited off that murderer Saddam Hussein? Where is your resolution against the atrocities arab govt's commit against their own people? Where was your resolution against beheadings? Against the Taliban? You're the biggest terror appeaser in the world. As far as the UN goes, 3/4 of it is filled with terrorist nations and dictators. The UN is a joke. No one takes you idiots seriously.SPINELESS EUROPE-I can write an essay about Europe also. When Hitler rose to power, and started talking about wiping out the Jews, not 1 word from any of you. And now with the new islamic Hitler (Iran's president) says the same things, you still remain quiet. There is only 1 European I have respect for, and that was Winston Churchill. He stood up to Hitler, while the rest of you, especially France, were scared like the little wimps that you are. Churchill has 1 of the greatest quotes ever: "You feed the crocodile in hopes that you get eaten last." And this is what you idiots are doing when it comes to terrorism. You appease the arab terrorists in hopes you get blown up last. But it didnt take to long to see the crocodile has eaten you: France and the riots, the spain train bombings, the subway bombings in england, the nightclub bombing full of Australians, the russian school massacre. But yet you still try to bring down Israel, with your pathetic resoultions. Remember 1 thing you idiots, the more you try to hurt Israel, the more you hurt yourself.THE CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC CHURCH-As if you have not killed enough Jews in the you spend all your time trying to convince countries to boycott Israel. Just a small suggestion, why don't you work on fixing your pedophile priests who have been raping little boys for decades, and then worry about Israel. After centuries of torture again the Jews, you still want to open up new wounds. This by no means is an attack on all Christians/Catholics, as many are great supporters of Israel. But there are a lot who want to see Israel burn, but fortunately, they can only keep dreaming (and raping).BOYCOTTING ISRAEL-Seems like a very hot new trend, especially by liberals and their terrorist friends. What you idiots fail to realize is that your stupid boycotts does not work and never will. See, unlike arab dictatorships, Israel is an open and free society. When you give freedom to your people, your country will flourish. Look what Israel did to a desert in less than 50 years. Now compare this to Arab countries. Look at how many Israeli companies are in the stock market, look at how many Israelis/Jews get Nobel prizes, look at how many high tech companies such as Intel and Microsoft continue to invest in Israel. Do you stupid Liberals with your terrorist friends think Israel needs you?? If you Arabs let Israel work with you, the only thing Israel would invest in greatly are tents, where most of you live. But in all seriousness, you arabs dont realize how much of a benefit it would be if you actually worked with Israel. But then again your religion says you'd probably go to hell if you worked with Jews, although is it me or don't you have Jewish Prophets in your koran...weird ha?THE ARAB HATRED AND ANGER TODAY IS ALL BECAUSE OF ISRAEL-I see, so Pakistanis are blowing up innocent children in India because of Israel? Interesting. So Chechnian muslims are butchering little Russian school children because of Israel. Interesting. So Al-Queida is blowing up Saudis (the same ones who created them, haha) because of Israel? Interesting. So Iran and Iraq fought for 8 long years because of Israel? Interesting. So stupid sunnis and stupid shiites in Iraq are blowing up each others children because of Israel? Interesting. So the Taliban chopped the heads off women who got raped because of Israel? Interesting. So basically, Arab dictators treat their own people like crap because of Israel? Interesting. So all 57 islamic nations have a backwardass economy and an army that can be defeated by girl scouts because of Israel? Interesting. As you can see, I can name thousands of other examples. Of course, the satanic liberals and their terrorist friends will never ever want you to know these fact. They want to keep the focus and target on Israel, and with the media on their side, they have done a good job unfortunately.IF ONLY THE PALESTINIAN TERRORISTS HAD HELICOPTERS & TANKS THEY WOULDNT BLOW THEMSELVES UP-Well that's nice, but which idiotic countries would give them these kind of weapons?! They blow up not only Jews but their own people, their own religion! First of all, if you want those advanced weapons, work for it! Educate your people in the schools so they can learn science and technology, and maybe you can have the same weapons Israel has! Israel teaches their kids values and educate them in school. But the Palis, all you do is teach your kids about beheadings, about blowing yourself up for allah, and about 72 virgins in paradise. Look how backwards and dangerous these people are that their own kind, their own arab brothers in egypt, saudi arabia, jordan, all the other arab countries won't even trust them with weapons! Someone please explain to me why their own brothers and sisters wont give them these weapons! The key is education!ISRAELIS & JEWS ARE KILLERS THAT LOVE DEATH-Thats interesting, considering our famous toast "L'Chayim" which means "to life." You see we love our kids, we would die in a hearbeat for our kids. Yet you see Palestinian mothers pass out candy after their satanic sons blow themselves up and kill Jews. And you never see them shed a tear. Instead, they say they hope their others sons do the same thing! What kind of people, religion, and culture is this? Animals dont sacrifice their own children! Look at how many innocent Israeli security guards and soldiers have gotten killed protecting children and the elderly. And you idiots showoff that your son was brainwashed into thinking he'd get 72 virgins if he blew himself up? And you celebrate that? Thats disgusting. Main point here is we celebrate LIFE, L'Chayim, while you celebrate Death.THE ISRAELIS OWN THE MEDIA AND SPIN THINGS THEIR WAY-Well they sure haven't been spinning things their way enough with the spineless wussies in the UN. And if this stupid fact was true, please name 1 movie, just one, that was about Israel and was Pro-Israel. Even that terror-lover spielsberg, when he made Munich, if u were unlucky enough to see that garbage movie, he compares the satanic terrorists to Mossad. And can someone please explain to me the daily attacks on Israel by CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, LOS ANGELES TIMES, a bunch of other american newspapers, and literally all European media. All these bash Israel daily, and Israelis own the media?ISRAEL IS ON "OCCUPIED" TERRITORY-Ok so lets break down the history once and for all. And I won't even mention the fact that Judiasm came before Islam, or the fact it mentions Jerusalem hundreds of times in the Torah and zero times in the koran, or even the fact that Jews pray towards Jerusalem, and muslims pray towards mecca. Ok now for the history. In 1948, the UN declared a tiny strip of land to the Jews, and about 90% of the rest of the land to the arabs. The Jews accepted, surprise surprise arabs rejected. On May 14, 1948 the Jews finally declared their own State of Israel and became "Israelis." On the next day, seven neighboring Arab armies... Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen... invaded Israel. Most of the Arabs living within the boundaries of the newly declared "ISRAEL" were encouraged to leave by the invading Arab armies to facilitate the slaughter of the Jews and were promised to be given all Jewish property after the victorious Arab armies won the war. The truth is that 70% of the Arab Palestinians who left in 1948 perhaps 300,000 to 400,000 of them never saw an Israeli soldier! They did not flee because they feared Jewish thugs, but because of a rational and reasonable calculus: the Jews will be exterminated; we will get out of the way while that messy and dangerous business goes forward, and we will return afterwards to reclaim our homes, and to inherit those nice Jewish properties as well. They guessed wrong; and the Arab Palestinians are still tortured by the residual shame of their flight. Their shame is so great because in their eyes running from Jews was like running from women. So much for the blatant lie about Jews throwing out all the [Palestinian] Arabs! See, the Arab and their nazi liberal friends always want to talk about the result of the war, but do you notice they never ever bring up the cause?! The cause was their doing, not Israel's! Israel didn't declare war on the arabs, 7 arab countries declared war on Israel, all of which got their @sses kicked! So someone please explain to me how, if 7 countries attack 1 tinier one, and all 7 get their butts kicked, how the heck is the land that the tinier country (Israel) now owns called "occupation?" It's such a shame the media never brings up these facts, but it's even a bigger shame Jews worldwide don't know even know this.ALL THOSE PALESTINIANS LIVING IN TENTS DISPLACED ON THE LEBANON, SYRIA, JORDAN, & EGYPTIAN BORDERS IS BECAUSE OF ISRAEL-First of all, someone explain to me why if these Arab countries love the Palestinians so much, why the heck aren't they taking them in? Let alone give them food, shelter...what happened to Arab Brotherhood and Islamic Unity. Arabs are all talk I guess. Anyways, boy the arabs and their nazi liberal friends in the media love showing that poor palestinian mother in the tent with her 15 kids on a hot sunny day. They tell you its because of Israel. But it's not. You see as I mentioned earlier, these Palestinians were the ones who were told to get out of 'Palestine' so the 7 arab armies can wipe out the Jews, and then they can come back and take what was theirs and even more. Well, unfortunately the 7 arab nations had no backup plan, and when Israel beat back all 7 armies, those soldiers went back to their own countries, while the Palestinians, who were told the Jews would be wiped out and then they come back, had no where to go. My question here is, why didn't the leaders of those 7 nations take in those Palestinians THEY displaced, and because of THEIR actions their Palestinian brothers were now living in tents. You see, it wasn't a big deal to those 7 nations, they went to war to finally finish hitlers job, they lost and now the soldiers went home. But what about the palestinians who were now displaced? Why didn't the 7 nations take them in? If you go read history, not only did they not take them in, but they shut down their borders to make sure no PALI comes in. Unfortunately for Jordan, they took thousands in. And I say unfortunately because the Palestinians started commiting daily terrorist activities against their Jordanian brothers, causing Jordan's King Hussein in September of 1980 to kill 30,000 Palestinians, in what became known as black september (if you dont believe me go to google and type "black september 1980"). Did anyone notice when Jordan struck back hard at the Pali terrorists the terror stopped? Israel should take note!
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