nicholas profile picture


come on and do it, now, don't wait and live it today, the prime time of your life

About Me

We bought a house. :O ... ... Music equipment has arrived! A few things are on the way... ... We went to Europe in September, it was radical ... ... ... Hi Ian. Here's your update.. . . (bitch!)

My Interests

smoke, music, movies, nintendo, nastalgia, electronica, turntables, cool shoes, retro, 27s, etc.,

I'd like to meet:

people who reference robots during conversation; people named johnny depp; people who want a chimp or talk about said topic; people who don't suck; people who aren't pretentious; people who like laughing, people named after mother theresa


ernest st laurent, daft punk, cassius, lifelike, alan braxe, fred falke, roman salzger, savier, 2 many djs, the avalanches, rjd2, m83, ms john soda, paul johnson, crydamoure, roule, dj falcon, phillip glass, sigur ros, royksopp, classical, joanna newsome, bjork, aphex twin, ian pooley, music that makes me smile or bop my head


fear & loathing, usual suspects, big lebowski, back to the future, lord of the rings, labyrinth, memento, the cube, old star wars, dude where's my car, hackers, cecil b. demented, super troopers, moonwalker, edward scissorhands, flight of the navigator, the last starfighter, the never ending story.. i could go on forever


Top Chef, certain guilty pleasures which will remain anonymous.


Norwegian Wood. Neuromancer. National Geographic magazine.


people who don't suck

My Blog


i am colorblind coffee black and egg white pull me out from inside i am ready i am ready i am ready i am taffy stuck and tongue tied stutter shook and uptight pull me out from inside i am r...
Posted by nicholas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ben folds five

ah, yummy. Won't you look up at the skyline At the mortar, block, and glass And check out the reflections in my eyes See they always used to be there Even when this was all was grass And ...
Posted by nicholas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


you should get these tracks, and listen to them. no really, you should. seriously. lacquer - behind space cowboy - always & forever alan braxe and fred falk - rubicon paul johnson - how good i...
Posted by nicholas on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST