Big C profile picture

Big C

Shit happens... mostly to me.

About Me

Hey. The name's C.T. Don't know what to say, except that I'm a pretty easygoing & laid back guy, just trying to make his way through all this chaos. I'm a video gamer from birth; I can usually be found in front of my 360 or Wii. I work in Customer Service, help take care of my baby nephew Jordan and otherwise chill with the peeps.

My Interests

Video games, movies, music, random madness & mayhem, Xbox Live, reading, SuDoku, balancing the force (or being its disturbance, you choose), Latin culture, sex, Irish pubs, the thrill of the hunt

I'd like to meet:

Big C's Videos
Breaking The Habit

Bon Jovi: You Give Love A Bad Name


Music expresses that which cannot be said & on which it is impossible to be silent. I enjoy all music, and my taste is ever adapting. I enjoy mostly rock, though.


Movie fanatic, wellspring of trivia. I'm working on the list; there are just too many to choose from...


Heroes is the only show I watch. My TV was made for gaming.


Harry Potter series, anything from Nickolaus A. Pacione, Phantom Of The Opera, Edgar Allan Poe


I had one, but I got hungry.