I Like To Do's
Frisbee GolfSnowboardingVideo GamingDancingWatching MoviesCampingMeeting PeopleSeeing DeejaysPuzzlesSudokuComputingFour-WheelingTravelSwimmingTaki
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People who aren't afraid to take risks and try new things, that would put others before theirselves in a time of need. People that will be your friend no matter the obstacle and can work out any differences and hardships that life may bring. People who don't think their better than others due to their success that they have reached and others are still grasping for. Someone that isn't two-faced and carries a front, only to win your heart and shatter it to peices. Treat me how you want to be treated and we can possibly be friends.
Speed Garage
Prog. House
Electro House
Hard Dance
Sum D&B
HouseSouth ParkNarutoC.S.I.M.A.S.H.Ghosts in the ShellScrubsThe Simpsons24Prison BreakFamily Guy
Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice"David Icke's "The Biggest Secret"
My FamilyMy Friends