Well, centre around horses really, namely fresco and rio, and don't have time for much else except the odd night out. Enjoy the gym-or at least the end result and always up for a bit of retail therapy. Been to Kenya a couple of times and helping set up an orphanage there.
Don't know where to start, very broad taste from the chilled out sounds of Jack Johnson, James Morrison and Corinne Bailey Rae for dancing Justin or the Scissor Sisters, through to the Feeling and the Kooks, Artic Monkeys, Orson, Feeder.
Not really a film geek..I like anything a bit different, fed up of knowing what will happen! Prob Crash was the best I've seen recently
Not much time for TV but try and catch Hustle, ER, still like a classic friends and a closet OC fan!
the Cadbury miniatures...yum..
adopt your own virtual pet!