Nico ANTAGONIZER profile picture


Real bands play on real stages! We bleed… We sweat… We scream! This is what we do… This is wha

About Me

I'm originally from Connecticut and came to North Carolina when stationed at Camp Lejeune while in the USMC. Needless to say I remained here and in 2001 moved to Raleigh. Since then Ive made some very close friends, gotten married, joined some bands as guitarist/back-up vocalist, and met MANY cool people within the local music scene who, on nearly ANY given night are always ready to throw down & have a good goddamn time!
Musically, it's still all about what I've always loved most & what has fueled my inner fire... the in-your-face heavier/harder/more aggressive styles of music. I'm into many different genres but there's no denying where my heart truly is and that's... hardcore & punk. That being said, I'm the guitarist/back-up vocalist for the ANTAGONIZERS based out of Durham, NC. Be sure to check out the latest band info, gig listings, and other info at my BAND'S SITE:
AIM- Nico7274

My Interests

180098930 51514954 129361219 22135762 48498617 19519006 34951592 2539046 3545108 131259589 145140272 You CAN'T buy it! You CAN'T steal it! It CAN'T be given to you! You CAN'T take it from ANYONE who owns it... but some can earn the HONOR, RESPECT, THE PRIVILEGE, & THE TITLE. If you can overcome 13 weeks of HELL on Parris Island as I and the many before and after me... You too will be a MARINE FOR LIFE!!!

"Good Lookin’ Out"

...This one's for my friends who've got my back when I need 'em most.

Aside from playing guitar, live performance, and supporting the music scene in general, some of my other interests include.......


Watching sports such as MLB- NY YANKEES, soccer, & UFC. Weightlifting, martial arts (Hapkido), kickboxing, playing with firearms, traveling, going to the beach, horseback riding, spending time with family and hangin’ out/partyin’ with good friends (including Jack & Coke), catching live shows/bands whenever possible, various performing arts, tattoos, piercings, and supporting single moms & female college students alike (AKA- STRIPPERS).

I'd like to meet:

YOU!...At an ANTAGONIZERS show when we make our way to your city!!!

And of course, THIS CHICK...The queen of sex, class, & ass! :)~


On the surface & in my veins is Hardcore & Punk! Really... anything with a rude attitude, relentless aggression, and a heavy ass-kickin’ groove!

I have a passion, love, & respect for nearly all kinds of music and believe it truly is a necessity. With that said… There are literally too many bands/musicians to completely list by name or genre that have always influenced me in some way or another, including inspiring my personal song writing/performing within different bands I have been a part of.

I also find it important to help indie bands from other areas AND around the world be heard. So check out who’s on my site because you might like what ya hear and they would DEFINITELY appreciate your support!


Godfather I, II, & III, Goodfellas, Scarface, A Bronx Tale, Casino, Boss of Bosses, Untouchables, Full Metal Jacket, Jarhead, Heartbreak Ridge, A Few Good Men, Once Upon A Time In America, Blow, Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Swingers, Made, Tombstone, Knockaround Guys, etc... Into a little of everything i.e.- all kinds of horror flicks, sci-fi, action, comedy, suspense, drama, and...ANYTHING Janine.


I don't watch much TV. I think it's a waste of time and money so I don't even have cable. I've got about 400 DVDs so other than needing to find someone's house to watch the upcoming Soprano's Season... I've got plenty of movies.


I'm a TOTAL 'book fiend'! I've got more books than I can keep up with and still don't have enough! I'm into many different genres & I'm always into hearing from anyone with good recommendations... So bring 'em on! Here are some of my favorites:
The Dirt
Fallen Angles
Beyond Dying
Coming Of Age
Me And My Dad
Great Attitudes
Worth Fighting For
The Mentor's Spirit
Gotti: Rise and Fall
Flags Of Our Fathers
The Awakening Heart
The Audacity Of Hope
Tuesdays With Morrie
Why Courage Matters
Fire Of Heaven Trilogy
Dreams From My Father
The Purpose Driven Life
This Much I Know Is True
Morrie: In His Own Words
Man's Search For Meaning
Mario Puzo’s The Godfather
Way Of The Peaceful Warrior
Reubs: The Early Years Series
Walking In The Garden Of Souls
The Crimson Petal And The White
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Untouchable: A Biography Of Robert DeNiro
Faith, Madness, And The Spontaneous Human Combustion
La Storia: Five Centuries Of The Italian American Experience


All those serving and that have served in the USMC- Once a Marine, Always a Marine! ...And the rest of the US Armed Forces.

My Blog

FOR SALE: Gallien-Krueger Bass Head and Cab $600/obo

Up for sale is a complete Gallien-Krueger bass rig in NEW CONDITION! I purchased the entire set-up less than 6 months ago from Guitar Center.  The gear was used MAYBE a dozen times (if that) and ...
Posted by Nico ANTAGONIZER on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:28:00 PST

ANTAGONIZERS REVIEWS: Love Us or Hate Us...On-going List

(04/21) Show:  Tremont Music Hall - Charlotte, NC Poster:  Matt Chaos - "HOLY SHIT! What an incredible fucking show. Got there kinda ...
Posted by Nico ANTAGONIZER on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 05:05:00 PST

More Americans Should Stand Up For What WE Believe In!

A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a mem...
Posted by Nico ANTAGONIZER on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 05:05:00 PST


THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE MARINES:  A Story Of Creation        &nbs p; In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.  In the beginning was God, an...
Posted by Nico ANTAGONIZER on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:52:00 PST