Fire On The Mountain profile picture

Fire On The Mountain

Can we pick the pieces up? Live, learn, life, love, die, dust, gone.

About Me

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The name's Amber. I'm a christian. Yes, I love, talk, theorize, sing about, and share (not force) God with people. If you don't like it, then just stop reading. No one is forcing you to look through stuff about me.
I may be a hypocrite at times. Sure, I've made mistakes. Some quite recently. I won't deny that, but I do know that there's always tomorrow, another day to start new, another chance to change my life.
I struggle with the fact that I can't please everyone. With the fact that my life seems like it's going nowhere. That, after all these years, I've become so bitter. I tend to make impulsive decisions and not think about the consequences. Like dying my hair black. Or deciding to run around in the rain for an hour. Or calling people in the middle of the night. And other bigger decisions. I struggle with a lot, but I'm sure there are people out there who have it WAY worse than I do. So I should just stop bitching.
I'm crazy. And I don't mean "fun" crazy. I mean crazy. It's taken me years to finally accept the fact that I can't heal a broken brain on my own. Now the almighty anit-medication nazi is swallowing pills every morning of everyday to keep the "episodes" and "mood swings" under control. Can anybody guess what I have? Hmm?
I've been to a few colleges. I am the oldest of quite a few siblings. I have a dog named Bear, who is a mix of german shepard and st. bernard. I love body art, and I have four tattoos. I try to give people a chance to show they're decent, but mostly they FAIL. I think stupid people should be shot off to the moon along with all the dead-beat dads and bad drivers. I think fish are disgusting and vile creatures. I love Charmed, mostly because I love getting lost in their fantasy world. The stories I write are products of a life I wish I had/ the charactaristics I want for myself. Music is my world, and I like mostly everything... except rap. I AM NOT a booty-call, nor will I ever be one. So don't try to treat me like one. You're liable to lose a testicle. People that step on others to get ahead or to make themselves feel better make me SICK. Giving harsh words brings about anger and hostility, while giving gentle words brings about love and compassion. I've learned not to trust people so much. I relish the comfortably painful feeling that a long over due cigarette gives my lungs. I LOVE coffee. I NEED coffee. Hanson is the greatest band EVER. And for the record, no, they're not gay. Phantom of the Opera is the greatest musical of all time. Don't EVER preach to me. Trust me, I know EXACTLY what you'll say because there was a time when I said the same things. Don't try getting into my head either. It's irritating enough that I have to hear that psycho babble from my shrink. I work at a hotel. Night Audit is super fun. I do not concern myself with past transgressions. You are who you are now, not who you were then. I believe EVERYONE deserves a second chance. Most of my friends are highly unusual. And that shows character. Character is good. I've come to learn that the most fun places to be and the coolest people to be with are the places and people you least expect them to be.
You know what they say, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

ice skating, singing, writing, reading, praying, and swing dancing, marching band, guitar, debate, loud music, squirrels

I'd like to meet:

For a man:
~ a strong christian
~ sensitive, but not a wussbag
~ optimistic!
~ and being a hanson fan would be nice

As for other people:
- love to laugh.
- are corny.
- like nerdy things like Star Wars and knitting.
- dance in the rain.
- put up thier christmas tree a month too early.
- like pinapple pop and cheese and broccli rice.
- can always find something to do in this boring town.
- write, sing, or play music.
- like to talk for hours into the night.
- can swing dance.
- have bright blue eyes, or maybe a deep green.
- understand that "normallcy" is indeed a myth and does not exist.


Just think... our generation is going to be defined by the 40 songs that are on the radio's crappy playlist.... I don't know about you, but I want my generation remembered as having GOOD TASTE in music... not that manufactered pop shit that fat sweaty music industry tyrants like to try and shove down your throat.

I have respect for any musician/ band that does want they want to do, who has the balls to step out and give people what they really want to hear.... this is why I am a Hanson fan.

Hanson ~ the most awesome band ever. I'm not talking about the Hanson from 7 years ago. I'm talking about the indie rock band now of this time. Don't try to argue with me about it. People have tried for years, and obviously, they've failed.

Loreena Mckenitt
Linkin Park
Maroon 5
Liz Phair
Green Day
Johnny Cash

And here are some of my favorite songs:
Hallelujah ~ Rufus Wainwright
Mad World ~ Gary Jules
Winter ~ Tori Amos
Dante's Prayer ~ Loreena Mckinett
Son of a Preacher Man ~ Etta James
When You're Gone ~ Hanson
Falling Away ~ Korn (i think)
Outside ~ Staind
How Soon is Now? ~ Love Spit Love
Hurt ~ Johnny Cash
Rinse ~ Vanessa Carlton
Alone ~ Heart
Again ~ Lenny Kravitz
Punk Ass Bitch ~ Wheatus

And before Phantom of the Opera, before Sweeny Todd, or Loreena Mckennitt, there was Quidam... the first really beautiful music I can ever remember hearing.


First and foremost, the greatest movie of all time.....
The Phantom of the Opera
Movies I like:

Air Force One
Practical Magic
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Moulin Rouge
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Blue Collar Comedy Tour
Alien VS Predator
All of the 'Aliens' movies
All of the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' movies (except the second one)
The Princess Bride (yes, I know, it's old and extremly corny, as is the next one.)
The Order
10 Things I Hate About You
The Blob (80's version actually freaking mentally scarred me as a child)
Shrek 1 & 2
Spiderman 1 & 2
All of the Lord of the Rings movies
Monty Python's Holy Grail
American Beauty
American Wedding
All of the Star Wars movies
Pulp Fiction
Napoleon Dynamite
Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2
Blue Collar Comedy Tour
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
Mrs. Winterbourne
Now, movies I don't like: (and when I say don't like I really mean can't stand)
The Fly (That movie scares the crap out of me!!)
Dumb and Dumber (I've seen that stupid movie so many times. I absolutely hate it.)


My favorite shows:

Family Guy
Viva La Bam
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Law and Order: SVU


The Passion ~ by Donna Boyd
All the Harry Potter books
Homer Price (don't know who wrote it)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ~ Douglas Adams
Red Dragon

My Blog

Did you ever think this day would come?

As of tonight... it's my last at the hotel.  After that...I'm free!!!  And something funny to keep your night carefree! Just a warning though... IT'S DIRTY! For the Nip/Tuck fans... ...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Tue, 29 May 2007 06:43:00 PST

BOO! Guess who?

Did I ever mention how much I FUCKING LOVE Hanson?If not, now you know. And if you didn't know, SHAME ON YOU! I've been a Hanson fan for ten years now. I believe, when people say my name or think o...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Sat, 26 May 2007 05:46:00 PST

preggers?? oh hell no, not i!

Isaac and Niki Hanson are having a baby.  Taylor confirmed it in their latest FUTY.  The pitter patter of little feet is expected before the end of the month. First time that a Hanson baby w...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:42:00 PST

"We're mending Babylon..."

My new favorite songs: "Fire on the Mountain"HansonWe sit secure in time-honored traditions madeNever wondering where or when the sickle may comeIf we don't seek our knowledge to be greater menWhen th...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 03:00:00 PST

I waited ten years for this SHIT?

Ok, well kiddies, I FINALLY got to see Hanson in concert.  Let me tell you, those two hours were absolute bliss.  The moment they walked onto that stage, I was in complete shock.  ...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 04:30:00 PST

oh edward!

I've been on an Edward Scissorhands kick for a few days now.  I made some icons, and here are two are my favorite. Just look at he and Peg's faces in the second one.  Priceless....
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:33:00 PST

don't ever cut your hair while intoxicated. ever.

Yeah. I need to get my hair fixed. First time I drink in, oh I don't know, two months... and I end up with my hair atleast 2 inches shorter and the part around my face hacked. Good thing it's not real...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:26:00 PST

There's a first time for everything...

Which means that March 3 will be my FIRST HANSON CONCERT EVER!!!!  That's right kiddies, been a fan about a decade now and I still haven't seen them live.  Well, that's going to change very...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 05:27:00 PST

"I find hope in what eyes don't see."

The Great Divide(I.Hanson, T. Hanson, Z. Hanson)The earth is shaking under siegeAnd every breath will meet its fateStill we hunger for a moment of freedom Even though the hour is...
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 07:29:00 PST

calling all angels

My great gram died yesterday.  I just found out about an hour ago. The viewing is tomorrow, and the funeral is on saturday.
Posted by Fire On The Mountain on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:06:00 PST