What do I like to do? Well, I like video games. I like swimming. I like acting. I like lots of stuff.
Who I'd like to meet? I have a better idea. I'm going to make a complete list of who I'd like NOT to meet.-Richard Simmons (He scares me to death.)-Carrot Top (Does any self respecting person actually think he's funny?)-Paris Hilton (Whore.)-Britney Spears (See above.)-That fat gay guy who dressed up as Shakira/Britney Spears on America's Got Talent. (I'd have to say he's worse than Richard Simmons.)-Ludacris (What an idiot. He probably picked his name not even knowing what it meant.)-That guy who sells crack at night in an alley off Wilshire Blvd. (Drugs are bad. Mmk?)-Michael Jackson (I think he might like me a bit too much.)-OJ Simpson (He got lucky one time. Now he's going to jail. Good.)
Music.. I don't feel the need to have songs crammed into my ears 24/7 but when I do, I'll listen to anything.. Techno Remixes. Hardcore Rock (Dragonforce especially), and even rap.
Favorite Movie? The one I was in, duh.. The Grinch who Stole Christmas.
Television.. I really don't find myself watching TV very often, oddly. When I do though, Comedies. The Simpsons, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Those teenage soap operas piss me off.
Books? Screw Books. I don't care about someone's life story, real or fake. I can be smart without books. I light fires with books.
I don't idolize anyone, really.. My dad? No. That's too cliche.