bicycles,graff,the basis of our socioeconomical madness,trying to figure why humanity is stuck in a never ending spiral that is leading us to ever lasting slavery, oh, and talking about the old raves, doc martin still the man.........( reptilian talk always welcome)...
the astronauts who landed here on earth thousands of years ago to ask them why they left such assholes in charge.. oh yeah, cool cats and down to earth people always welcome
unlock the house girl, i'm coming home, i'm leaving on the midnight train.......
office space. they live. THE MATRIXand some indie films since most hollywood movies are crap. they kind of remind me of those cheeseeee mexican movies from the 80's.
fuck the tv. life is passing us by and we waste it by being zombies in front of that darn box. even the simpsons suck nowadays.
any book by david icke, 1984, ruled by secrecy, of mice and veins of latin america by eduardo galeano
W BUSH, for having the biggest balls in the world by speaking such dumb shit in public...humble graff writters, who havent forgot why we do what we hard working mama...