Photography, traveling, dancing, singing, cooking, writing, exploring the unknown...that's about it.
At least one person from every culture in this world so that I can broaden my view and better understand others.
I love music from all over the world, especially Turkish and Brazilian music. There is something about Turkish instruments that really speak to my soul and take me back to that wonderful place.
The Princess Bride (A Classic), A Christmas Story, Pride and Prejudice (Both the old and new), V for Vendetta, The Experiment(A German Film), Nacho Libre(Possibly the funniest movie ever made!)
I have not had a television for the past 4 months and have decided that I don't need one!
Emily Dickenson's poetry, Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia, Shakespeare, The Alchemist (Great Book!)
I admire people who remain positive amidst the most difficult times in life.