Acting! (Betcha figured that one out by now.) :-)
Adding sunshine to people's lives (which actually comes first - people before acting gigs)
Flying/dancing on wires to some of my "flying music"
Reading comedic books out loud to hubby in the car (while he drives)
Fluting (improvising to songs I've never heard before is the ultimate!)
Finding money on the ground (found nearly $100 in the last 10 years)
Piano (need music for it though)
Photographing family & friends (and shoots)
Sign Language
Organizing stuff (love turning a mess into "neat and tidy")
Giving massages (getting them isn't bad either)
Getting rid of people's headaches
Western horseback riding
Writing (short stories - couldn't pay me enought to write a script)
Editing (mostly scripts)
Learning (via museums, books, doing new things)
Cracking jokes (particularly dangerous after midnight)
Idea generating
Roller coasters!!!!!!!!!!
Q: How many actors does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 100:
One to do it
and ninety-nine to say "I could've done that."
People interested in movies. :-)
(Although since I like people, I'm actually pleased to meet pretty much everyone.)
Mostly, I listen to orchestral movie music
(feeds my emotions, allows me to work on other stuff, but doesn't have words so I'm not distracted into singing along).
What DO I like to sing? Depends on the song.
I'm always touched by the music itself, not the lyrics
(Although I also have a passion for story-songs - if the music is decent.)
And I grew up on musicals, so I'm partial to them.
Old and new.
But usually not all the songs, depends on the music. :-)
Q: How many Superstar Actor's does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One: They just hold it
while the whole world revolves around them.
LADYHAWK - romance/comedy/adventure/magic - all in one.
Love to be in a "Ladyhawk".
I actually enjoy movies of all genres.
I have a 20 page "want to see" movie list.
Movies are an actor's "homework" right? :-)
Q: How many actors does it take to change a light bulb?
A) Wouldn't it be easier if we just changed the script?
The burned out light bulb works better for my motivation.
It's allegorical to how my
character feels.
Grey's Anatomy
Extreme Home Makeover
(So positive, it actually inspired me to do one for a friend while her daughter was in the hospital one Christmas)
(I LOVE Aaron Sorkin - the man can write! Good writers make my knees weak.)
Dead Like Me
(WHY did they cancel it?!)
(Sportsnight's the closest thing to it in the last decade.)
Q: How many actors does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Is the lightbulb on? If it is, then isn't that a stunt?
I read horror stories so I can fall asleep.
Otherwise, I think about work (acting stuff)
and that gets me so energized I can't fall asleep.
The more supernatural, the better.
I also read Science Fiction anthologies.
I'm rather absolutely astounded that I'm in actually 2 books.
I'm between Tommy Lee Jones & Matt Damon in "WHO'S WHO OF STAGE & SCREEN" by C. Elizabeth Lala.
I'm also a featured actor in "MORE THEATRE GAMES FOR YOUNG PERFORMERS" by Suzi Zimmerman.
You can buy them both from any major bookstore.
Where was I?
I love Dr. Seuss. Have all the longer stories.
I memorized an hour of Dr. Seuss stories
(and perform them for kids):
Happy Birthday to You
Horton Hatches the Egg
The Lorax
The Sneetches
You're Only Old Once
The Giving Tree (not Dr. Seuss, but fits)
And I'm working on memorizing "'Alexandra' and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day" (also not Dr. Seuss, but too fun to resist)
I'm also currently working my way through the Wild Card series.
Never read novels written by a bunch of writers before.
They'd make a good movie or T.V. show.
I have 20 pages of books I want to read,
so if the writing isn't good, I'll move .. 20 pages.
But I also read humorous books - out loud, when Hubby and I are driving places.
And, of course, I read up on Hollywood - research on the work environment and my future co-workers! :-)
Q: How many actors does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Um, uh, ummmmm, uhhhh (pause)
ah, um (longer pause) uh,
line please!
My darling Grandma. Dec. 12, 1912 - March 7, 2006
She loved people, and people loved her.
She taught me that, while I might not like what a person has done,
I don't actually hate the person, just their action.
She was a fantastic story-teller,
and laughed a lot (told great jokes),
sang and played the organ
loved to work jigsaw and crossword puzzles,
could knit, sew, needlepoint, crochet,
cook, fix a roof,
belonged to a garden club and told me which flowers were edible,
allowed her dogs, and then her cat, to have kittens, so we could play with them
(and always found good homes for them),
and she gave the absolute best hugs in the world.
She always rejoiced over any role or entertainment opportunity I got.
I miss her terribly,
and will love her forever.