sPorTS..SPOrTS...spOrTS...BaskETbaLL...SPoRtS..SPOrTS..Socce R...SPORtS..SPorTs...HoRsE rIDiNG...spoRTS..
aNyone...anYone that accePts for wHo i aM NOt for whAt i am..:)
Nythend that's Nice...But i MostLy Like IndonesiaN,KoreaN,JaPaNesse aNd SpanisH kind oF sOnGZ...
LXG, Malibu Most Wanted,American Pie Wedding,wINter sOnata...Harry Potter and anYthenG InteresTin...
anYthenG that pOps oUt frOm thE cHAnneL
HarrY Potter =)...aLL NOvels from Judith McNauGhT and Nora Roberts...and erm,may sound strange *i still read all those fairy-folk tales fer Kids..hehhee =p