art in all its forms,fighting,tattooing,learning, traveling, experiencing and doing my best to make the world a better place..... for fun i like to map out patrick suaze's DNA so that one day i can clone him and will be able to lead an army of the worlds sexiest man into battle against people who suck. patrick suazes will wreak havok on their enemies and the streets will run red with the blood the patricks spill. this will be a glorious battle after which i will share a fine meal of select cheeses and premium wines and or grape juices with the patricks and there will be much rejoicing and stamping of feet.
folk music and michael jackson, but mostly everything besides folk music and michael jackson. punk rock, backpack rap and anything that includes a harmonica. harmonicas are a gift from God, neatly assembled in an aluminum package.
who cares????? quit trying to stalk me. haha
i dont own a t.v. i colored all over it so i cant see anything on it anymore except for the truth and little bits of the future.
i would tell what i read but then you would know for a fact that im a dork where right now it's more like a suppostion...ok favorite books...anything by orson scott card, the bible,tuesdays with morrie, the alchemist, the kite runner, angela's ashes, flowers for algernon,wall and piece(by banksy), graffiti world, and just about anything that has to do with fighting.
my family, people who stand up for what they believe in and the people they love, anyone who tries to do what others only dream of and of course my mom for carrying me around for like almost nine months and doing all my pooping for me. you rock mom!