Let's Get Personal
The Basics
First Name:: Amberly
Middle Name:: Michelle Blessing ( I have 2)
Last Name:: Mae ( and soon changing to Cooper)
Nickname(s):: not really
Age:: 24
Gender:: female
Date of Birth:: June 24th
Occupation:: Business Truth, writing and working on illustrations
Hometown:: Born in Madison
Ethnicity:: um...
Height:: 5"11
Weight:: 125
Body Type:: uh
Marital Status::
Sexual Orientation::
Religion:: Christianity... Jesus the way, the truth, the Life
Colour:: blue, pink, silver
Animal:: bear, turtle
Food:: Chinese food, Italin food
Number:: 7's? or 111
Place:: Lots of them
Setting:: a beautiful one....
Style:: varies dependant upon the day
Music:: lots: Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Counting Crowes, Tonic, Candlebox, Queen, etc..
Climate:: I don't really enjoy freezing cold winters, I guess
Scent:: for perfume, I like Christian Dior and Heavenly
Flavour:: Sweet...
Emotion:: peaceful
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla?:: Chocolate
Pepsi or Coke?:: Coke in a can, please
Beef or Veggies?:: Both
Day or Night?:: Night for sure
Clear Skies or Thunderstorms?:: I guess I enjoy both
Kittens or Puppies?:: either way
Black & White or Colour?:: colour
Fingers or Toes?:: uhhh
Showers or Baths?:: bath with only candles lit
Busses or Taxi Cabs?:: either
War or Peace?:: peace
Do you support...
gay marriage?::
legalized marijuana?::
religion in classrooms?::
beauty magazines?::
Answer Each Scenario Truthfully
Your phone rings. Who's voice are you hoping to hear when you answer?:: James
Someone unattractive gives you their telephone number and asks for a ring:: Same thing I would say to anyone
You wake up one morning as the only human on Earth:: I pray to God
You turn your television on. What channel appears on screen?:: none, I don't watch it
You're about to call to end a relationship when the phone rings. Dead pet.:: I would never
Your plane crashes on an island. Who do you want to be stranded with?:: James
You want to learn a new skill to impress your date. What do you choose?:: not sure
You see your distant friend crying on their front porch.:: hugs
Your house catches on fire. What do you grab first?:: my teddy bear and Bible
You can only talk to one person for the rest of your life. Who is it?:: my hunny... I guess
What's the first word that comes to mind when I say...
Greed?:: sin
Jealousy?:: sin
Hate?:: sin...Satan...devil....hell etc...
Love?:: The greatest of these:)
Anger?:: sin
Beauty?:: inner hopefully
Grace?:: a gift from above
Fragile?:: emotions
Innocence?:: of a child
Sinister?:: sin
Malevolent?:: sin
Curiousity?:: people
Who was the last person you...
called?:: Shaunna
hugged?:: Jimmy
kissed?:: Jimmy
messaged?:: Patricia
drove with?:: Jimmy
saw in person?:: Jimmy
laughed with?:: Jimmy
thought of?:: lots of people
wanted to be with?:: Jimmy
touched?:: Jimmy
were angry with?:: Jimmy
Finish the Sentence
I smile most...: when I feel loved:)
I love the taste of...: icecream...yum
It makes me angry when...: people don't think about eternal concequences
I feel useful when...: I help others
I feel silly when...:
I want to...: take a bath...
I need to...: pray alot
I really don't like...:
I would die for...: Jesus
I never want to...: forget others
I regret...: not loving more
I'm thinking about...: Sept 29th
What do you like best about the opposite sex?
Hair Colour::
Eye Colour::
Style in Clothes::
Style in Music::
Thick or Thin?::
Outgoing or Shy?::
High Maintenance or Easy to Please?::
Graceful or Clumsy?::
Singer or Dancer?::
Understanding or Sympathetic?::
Bossy or Laid-Back?::
Party-go-Getter or Hopeless Romantic?::
Wild and Crazy or Timid and Sincere?:
Have you ever...
kissed a stranger?:: they have kissed me
swum with dolphins?:: I really want to
done a rock-climb?:: kind of
been somewhere exotic?:: oh yes
wanted somebody you couldn't have?:: no
wanted somebody significantly older?:: no
wanted somebody significantly younger?:: no
broken a promise?:: I hope not
canceled an arranged date?:: no
walked on the beach?:: yes
kissed in the rain?:: yes
found a sand dollar?:: no
wished on a star?:: all the time
wanted to die?:: yes
missed somebody so bad it hurt?:: yes
thought there were monsters under your bed?:: I am not sure
said "I love you" and meant it?:: everyday
wanted to say "I love you," but feared the possible results?:: no
had an inside joke that made you laugh at random times?:: yes
doubted yourself?:: yes
said something that made somebody cry?:: yes
kept a secret?:: yes
told a secret?:: hope not
donated to a charitable fund?:: yes
punched a wall?:: yes
yelled at the opposite sex?:: yes
cheated on a partner?:: no
passed out?:: no
slept in a bed of the opposite sex?:: yes
kissed the opposite sex?:: yes
kissed the same sex?:: on the cheek
showered with anybody?:: yes
thrown up?:: yes
been arrested?:: no
been chased by the cops?:: no
toilet-papered a house?:: yes, when I was like 14
ridden a horse?:: yes, over the Sahara Desert
ridden a camel?:: yes, In Eqypt
fainted?:: not yet
cried hysterically?:: all the time
seen a ghost?:: angel yes....
wished you were somebody else?::
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Your Birth Month is June
Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life.
Your warmth and consideration touches many.
Your soul reflects: Friendship, love, and beauty
Your gemstone: Pearl
Your flower: Rose
Your colors: Light blue, white, and cream
What Does Your Birth Month Mean?
The Foo Fighters, Chris Cornell, Louis Armstrong, Mike Massey, Danny Maleh, Eddie Veddar, Pearl Jam, Rusted Root, Tonic,Audioslave, Eric Cross, Counting Crowes, The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Stone Temple Pilots, Stevie Nicks, Ray Charles, Super Drag, Joe Cocker, Fleetwood Mac, Phil Lesh, Nada Surf, Sublime, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, The Grateful Dead, Dave Matthews, Eric Clapton, Chicago, Tonic and more:)....
You Are Emerald Green
adopt your own virtual pet!
Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.
What Color Green Are You?
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
You Are A Blue Girl
Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
What Color Girl Are You?
The Bible, Passport to Heaven, Peppermints in the Parlor, The Day My Mother Left, The Witch Must Die, Satchmo, Captain Trips, Heckety Peg, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Doors, Sleeping Beauty, The Three Little Pigs, Rumplestiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and all other Fairy Tales...:)
*Jesus* Jesus said* "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by me."* John 14:6