Music, dancing, having fun, and just hanging out.
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My Big Brother and Sister
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The Ones I Could Never Forget
She got stuck twice with me (for now), She got inked once same day as me (for now), And when I get my mustang she always rides up front! My Cousin: Misty
He's my A.I. watcher with, #1 Drinking buddy, He can always make me laugh, Gives me good advice even tho it don't ever change, Insurance Rep. My cousin: Desi
He don't get me in trouble, he just happens to be with me when I get in to it! "So what you want her history before HS or After?"
My Little MP, Don't let Matt tell you any different, She can whoop his ass!
My baby's Mama. Hay Mami! She loves it when I speak spanish to her
Kayla Baby I love you! We likes ta drink and party, what can I say she feels me!
Bri Bri, One of the best guys I know, he is so awesome!
Chuey, An old friend, #1 Bullshitter, My Ex
Tina, The Colombian Princess, and just plain loud ass latina!!
God I love this girl, Jennifer Lynn!
Since the 6th grade!
My Family's Mexican Restaurant: Casa De Salas
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