H i, I´m
musician from Finland.
Music and drums have been part of my life almost always.
I was rather young when i figured out that i want to play
something, and the drums felt the right choice back then,
but it has taken me 9 years to get my first own proper kit. Hehe.
Later on i intrested also in other instruments, such as guitar, bass
and piano but for Some reason they just never passed the strumming level.
I like to play many kinds of music and nowadays im also intrested
in even singing (guttural) ;)
Im also very interested in studio work and audio related technology
and im trying to learn them by myself now bu im also planning to
apply to a such school later on.
I listen and collect really much good music and watch good movies.
You can find from my dvd
collection trash, gore, horror, comedies etc..
At the moment i affect in the following bands:
Clutch Mental Hospital
Moravia (www.moraviaband.com)